Today you will be learning about a man named NAPOLEON BONAPARTE and how he became the ruler of France. Napoleon is famously known as one of the greatest military geniuses in all of WORLD HISTORY! Let’s begin with how Napoleon rose to power after the Reign of Terror…
How did Napoleon rise to power? First, Napoleon gained military power. Napoleon was appointed commander of the French army. His army successfully defeated Austrian troops.
How did Napoleon rise to power? Second, Napoleon became famous. He and his troops defended the National Convention in 1795 when royalists attacked during the French Revolution. Within minutes, the royalists fled in panic and confusion. Napoleon became the “hero of the hour.”
How did Napoleon gain power? Finally, Napoleon took advantage of the weak Directory. With the military under his control, Napoleon and his soldiers stormed the Legislature. The Directory was dissolved and Napoleon took power
In this famous picture, Napoleon takes the crown from the Pope and crowns himself. A sudden seizure of government power (like what Napoleon did) is called a “Coup d’etat.”
Now, Napoleon is basically the dictator of France. Let’s learn about how he improved life for the French citizens and built a HUGE French Empire.
How did Napoleon improve life for French Citizens? ECONOMIC CHANGES Napoleon set up a national bank, made taxes equal, and gave loans to businesses
How did Napoleon improve life for French Citizens? RELIGIOUS CHANGES Napoleon signed an agreement with the Pope and Catholic Church. This agreement recognized the influence of the church, but did not allow it to get involved directly in national affairs. This agreement made the people happy.
How did Napoleon improve life for French Citizens? GOVERNMENT CHANGES Napoleon fired corrupt government officials and installed the “Napoleonic Code”
What was the Napoleonic Code? The Napoleonic Code was a list of laws in place when Napoleon was in power. – Under the Napoleonic Code, the French people had less freedom (no freedom of speech or press) but the laws did promote order in society.
How did Napoleon build an empire? He got money for France. Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory to the U.S. for $15 million dollars!
How did Napoleon build an empire? “Soldiers! I am pleased with you.”- Napoleon Napoleon’s army conquered territory all over Europe
How did Napoleon build an empire? After conquering their lands, Napoleon forced leaders of Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign peace treaties with France. Napoleon controlled numerous other supposedly “independent” countries like Spain, Germany, and parts of Central Europe. – Napoleon chose the leaders of these countries (called “Puppet governments”). Some of the leaders were his family members! Austria, Prussia, and Russia were part of the French Empire through alliances, and were forced to comply or else be threatened by the French military.