CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 1 JAXA CCSDS Status November, 2009 ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands Kaneaki Narita JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office.


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Presentation transcript:

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 1 JAXA CCSDS Status November, 2009 ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands Kaneaki Narita JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 2 CCSDS compliant spacecraft JEM Exposed Facility was carried to ISS by space shuttle on July 15, Launched: HTV Technology Demonstration Model was launched by H-IIB rocket on September 10, Recent Launch Information

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 3 Spacecraft Implementations JAXA adopted AOS (including TM) and/or TC for 18 spacecrafts by October, 2009, and 5 spacecrafts to be launched in two years. ‘97‘98‘99‘00‘01‘02‘03‘04‘05‘06‘07‘08‘09‘10‘11 ETS-VII PLANET-B ASTRO-E ADEOS-II MUSES-C ASTRO-EII ALOS ASTRO-F SOLAR-B ETS-VIII SELENE JEM-ELM WINDS JEM-PM JEM-EF HTV-DM GOSAT SDS-1 HTV-01 QZS-1 PLANET-C Ikaros GCOM-W1

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 4 Promotion of Transfer Service utilization JAXA coordinated with ESA on SLE connection for emergency cross support of ENVISAT and ERS-2 with new GW configuration between JAXA and ESA,and conducted interface test and tracking ENVISAT and ERS-2 by JAXA GN. Extension of Transfer Service function JAXA is implementing RCF service function to TSX (Tsukuba SLE gateway for Cross support) for provider-side and user-side. CSS Implementations

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 5 Service Management interoperability validation JAXA will upgrade SCCS-SM service-user prototype (Red-3.3) for interoperability test with JPL SCCS-SM service-provider prototype. New network planning system New network planning system (INPS : INtegrated Planning System) is under development. This system will integrate current GN and SN planning systems and establish seamless connections with other agencies referring to SLE-SM specification. CSS Implementations

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 6 CCSDS WG Status (CSS and SEA) CSS/SM WG JAXA is coordinating SCCS-SM (R-3.3) interoperability validation with JPL. The test configuration and schedule are under negotiation. CSS/CSA WG JAXA chairs the Space Communication Cross Support Architecture Working Group JAXA is editing the draft magenta book on Space Communication Cross Support Architecture SEA/DDOR WG JAXA joined WG review of draft DDOR Magenta Book and coordinated DDOR interoperability validation among ESA/JPL/JAXA. JAXA-JPL: Done: May 2009, Planned :March 2010, JAXA-ESA: Planned: Dec JAXA drafts a part of DDOR Raw Data Exchange Format Blue Book and DDOR Green Book.

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 7 CCSDS WG Status (SLS and MOIMS) SLS/OCM SIG JAXA intends to join a meeting to review of the charter and the white book. –Optical Coding and Modulations MOIMS/NAV WG JAXA joined WG review of following Books to add Orbit Mean- Elements Message (OMM) responding to SC14 request. –ODM V2 Prototype Test Plan/Report –Nav. Data Green Book –NDM/XML Red Book

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 8 CCSDS WG Status (SIS) SIS/DTN WG JAXA joined WG review of draft Green Book. –Delay-Tolerant Networking protocol JAXA conducted computer simulation for DTN and started the feasibility study for DTN experiments on ISS-DRTS (Data Relay Test Satellite) with NASA. SIS/MIA WG JAXA joined WG review of draft Green Book –Motion Imagery & Applications

CMC meeting, Nov., 2009 Page 9 CCSDS Standard Infusion Status