1 Rise of Napoleon Unit 4 / Note Page 7
Napoleon Forges an Empire Napoleon Bonaparte: 5’3”, Island of Corsica, Born 1769 Lt. Of artillery, age 25 chance to be hero. Oct 1795 – Royalist marched on National Convention, “Whiff of Grapeshot.” Hero of hour, Savior of republic. 2
Next 4 years, victory in Italy & Austria, Lost in Egypt to Lord Nelson. 3
5 Napoleon wanted to wrestle control of Egypt from Great Britain to shut down the major British trade route through Egypt to India’s spice and cotton markets…. He will be shut down my the famous British Admiral Lord Nelson
6 Shut down England’s trade routes, you cut off their wealth. NO money = They can fund a war against you….
7 The Battle of the Nile, 1799
1799 – Directory losing control, appoint Napoleon in charge of army. He and his wife, Josephine scheme together, dissolve directory. Napoleon appointed 1 of 3 Consuls. Coup d’état “blow of state”. Dictator, leads army to victory, 1802 – Peace…. 10
– Draft 4th. Constitution Plebiscite – Vote of the People He turns his attention to domestic problems facing France:
1. Set up efficient tax collection & national bank. 2. Dismiss corrupt officials, set up public schools. 3. Re-establish Catholic Church with minimal state control. Signs a Concordat (agreement) w/ Pope Pius VII 12
4. Napoleonic Code – uniform law / eliminate injustices, but reduces rights won in revolution, re-establish slavery in colonies. 13
Thought that regaining control of island of Hispaniola, sugar cane $, would help finance war in Europe, slaves difficult to put down, soldiers die Yellow Fever. Napoleon cuts loses in America, sells Louisiana Territory for $15 million to new USA. 16
“The sale assures forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a rival who, sooner or later, will humble her pride.” Napoleon
1804- Crowns himself Emperor. 18
Turns attention on European Domination: Conquers: Italy, Switzerland, and Netherlands. Brilliant leader, hard to predict his next move. Built largest European empire since Romans. ***Rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia – Sign Peace Treaties.*** 19
He could not beat Great Britain – superior navy – off coast of Spain, met British fleet led by Horatio Nelson (brilliant naval commander) beat Napoleon’s fleet completely at Battle of Trafalgar. Result: Britain would be supreme force on seas for next 100 years. Napoleon gave up idea of invading British Isles. 20
1812 – Only major countries not under his control were England, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Sweden. Territories controlled by him ruled by his brothers or in-laws. Countries allied to him such as Russia, Austria, & Prussia kept in line by military threat. Empire huge BUT very unstable. 21
27 Rise of Napoleon Unit 4 / Note Page 7