Speaking in Tongues: A Biblical Analysis “Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” 1 Corinthians 14:19
Tongues γλω ͂ σσα (glossa: 1100) Thayer Definition: 1) the tongue, a member of the body, an organ of speech 2) a tongue 1a) the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations
Purpose Acts 2:1-11 The gift of speaking in tongues allowed the gospel to be communicated to those who did not understand the native language of the apostle. It was necessary in the 1 st C. It was a sign to unbelievers. (1 Corinthians 14:22)
Scriptures Mark 16:17 Acts 2:1-11 Acts 10:34-48 Acts 19:1-7 1 Corinthians 12-14
Scriptures Mark 16:17 Acts 2:1-11 Acts 10:34-48 Acts 19:1-7 1 Corinthians Promise of tongues Apostles at Pentecost Gentiles at Caesarea Disciples at Ephesus Believers at Corinth
The Apostle Paul on the Gift of Tongues 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; Paul ranks the gift of tongues at the bottom of his lists! Not all believers spoke in tongues. (v30) Paul spoke in tongues more than anyone. (1 Corinthians 14:18)
Situation in Corinth Misunderstanding of the gift of tongues led to misuse (14:1-5,34) Misuse led to confusion (14:14-17) Misuse would lead to a poor witness to the gospel (14:23-25)
Paul’s Counsel When you speak, speak to encourage everyone. (14:3,4,5,12,17,19,26) If there is no interpreter, remain silent. (14:27-33) God is not the author of confusion. (14:33)
Lessons for Today Many Christians teach that speaking in tongues is a pre- requisite for salvation. The apostle Paul argued that not everyone speaks in tongues. (12:27-31)
Lessons for Today Many Christians par- ticipate in services where many members speak in tongues at the same time. The apostle Paul warned against this practice. It is confusion. (14:27-33)
Lessons for Today We no longer need the gift of tongues in our era. The gospel has been preached to ‘every creature under heaven.’ (Colossians 1:23)
Lessons for Today Modern practices of speaking in tongues do not have the characteristics of those in the New Testament scriptures. There is good reason to believe that the gift of tongues (as we understand it from the Bible) passed of the scene not long after the death of the apostles.
Love builds up 1 Corinthians 8:1 In the middle of Paul’s counsel to the believers in Corinth about the gift of tongues, he highlighted the importance of love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2,10
Love builds up In two weeks, God willing: Holy Spirit Gifts: Are They Available Today? I had rather speak five words in my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. The Apostle Paul