Airdrie Land Use Bylaw Presentation to City Council May 2, 2016
Needed to improve LUB Format, Readability, Administration. Implements City Plan and responds to Council’s strategic priorities. One tool of many in the Planning & Development process. Have we achieved the right balance? Why was this project necessary?
. What is a Land Use Bylaw? Required by the Municipal Government Act. Sets development rights and regulates the uses of land and buildings within the City. Separates the City into districts and defines appropriate land uses and densities. Implements but does not set policy or direction.
. Project Background The LUB is the result of a comprehensive engagement process involving developers, businesses, and residents. Development Group UDI/CHBA Local Businesses Local Residents Inter-Municipal Committee Airdrie Housing Limited
. Project Background All comments were individually reviewed, debated within our project team, and responded to. Important for the project to address potential or inadvertent issues, but must maintain a balance.
. Project Background Many individual discussions, conversations, and one-on-one meetings. Planning Staff made time for anyone who wanted to discuss any aspect of the Bylaw including… o Artist Studios o Secondary Suites o Non-Profit Signs o Landscaping
Our Goals Tonight Review LUB Topics Public Hearing Response to Submissions Feedback from Council Adjourn Hearing
Major Topics
Neighbourhood Design Neighbourhood design is an important element of the Land Use Bylaw, which addresses how buildings relate to the street and the surrounding areas of the community. Garage requirements replaces 2:1 ratio with base standard and design criteria. Residential districts incentivize housing that is accessed off of lanes. Specific regulations on residential driveways. Site Design standards address landscaping, access, and connectivity.
Density It is important that the Land Use Bylaw is able to manage density effectively and work in concert with City Plan and ASPs. New R2-T District accommodates and encourages street-oriented townhouses. Rewritten purpose statements for Multifamily districts focus on location and re-inforce good site planning. Multifamily districts provide density ranges and require additional design criteria at higher densities.
Accessory Suites The Land Use Bylaw sets standards for accessory suites to provide for diversity and affordability in Airdrie’s housing options. Implements City Plan policies (6.14, 6.21 and 6.22) Discretionary Uses Standards established for parking, coverage, amenity, minimum parcel width and area. Public survey highlighted benefits and challenges; overall beneficial for the community as long as impacts are managed. Must still meet Building Code requirements.
Business Opportunities & Economic Development The Land Use Bylaw is intended to promote commercial & industrial development in Airdrie and accommodates a range of businesses. New office park district provides another tool. Range of Home Business uses are accommodated. Innovative approach to address Sign regulations. Use-specific regulations address many gaps in the previous LUB. Landscaping requirements place plantings where they will provide the most aesthetic value and impact.
Improvements to Format & Enforceability One of our key project objectives was to ensure the new Land Use Bylaw was more clear, consistent, and enforceable. Administrative requirements are much clearer. Format is more intuitive and easier to navigate. Tables and charts in Sign requirements and Land Use Districts provide better information and are easier to compare. Detailed enforcement section addresses many areas that were missing in previous LUB.
Notes & Wrap Up
Municipal Planning Commission The draft LUB was presented to Municipal Planning Commission on April 7 th MPC voted 6-1 to recommend that Council approve Bylaw B-01/2016.
Next Steps Draft was closed on March 17. Staff to incorporate edits and clarification for comments that have been raised since then. Staff has prepared a list of expected changes which are attached in the Council package. Staff has also anticipated additional feedback or questions for clarification from Council. All of this will be re-consolidated and brought back to a future Council meeting.
Planned Edits to Draft Clarification of Development Authorities Updates to best practices for managing securities Updates to standards on tandem parking Addition to considerations for Accessory Suites Update to allow carports in Residential Districts Clarification on minimum site dimensions for Multifamily Districts Revision to minimum site dimensions for Live-Work units Updates to reflect redesignation of DC-28 and adoption of DC-46 Revision to fix transcription errors in RR-H and RR-F Districts Formatting updated to embed images in document Updates to Maps Other administrative edits / housekeeping items Any additional direction from Council
Ongoing Discussions There have been some comments raised to administration that will require their own focus and would be best addressed through their own policies and as a later amendment to the Land Use Bylaw: Provisions to include other Mobile Vendors under the LUB. Proposed working group for Bylaw sustainment involving developers and stakeholders.
Wrap Up Staff have prepared a draft Land Use Bylaw that meets our project goals and provides Council with… A set of balanced and responsive development regulations. Another part of the Planning framework, which implements the Airdrie City Plan. A made-in-Airdrie solution that has been developed with our community and stakeholders.
Public Hearing
Alternatives 1.That Council gives First Reading to Bylaw B-01/ That Council gives First Reading to Bylaw B-01/2016 and directs staff to make changes to the Bylaw prior to Second Reading. 3.That Council defeats Bylaw B-01/2016.
Recommendation Administration recommends: THAT Council gives First Reading to Bylaw B-01/2016. And THAT Council directs Administration to make changes to Bylaw B-01/2016, as outlined in Attachment #2 and as directed by Council, prior to second reading.