1 Welcome to Magnys Authorized Agent Access
2 Contact Information Vendor Subordinate –For all Login, technical, sales id and commission content information, Your primary contact is your Vendor Principal Vendor Principal Prior to calling for technical support-clear your cache (see Page 10) –Contact the WCI IT Help desk for the following: 800/ Magnys technical issues, including error pages Login does not work –Contact Your Windstream Field Representative Can not access Magnys commission statements Existing Sales IDs not Working New Sales IDs that were assigned but not working in the system (more than 48 hours after notification) Transaction, Content and $$ Questions –Commissions are incorrect or not showing on my statements –Wrong or no compensation plan on monthly commission statement –Functionality of MAGNYS and/or OCS.” –“What is my sales id?” –“I need a listing of all of my current sales ids.” –“I have a question about my transactions.” –How to use On-Line or manual correction form Your Windstream Field Representative will contact the appropriate department for assistance as needed
3 System Requirements Minimum suggested requirements Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) 128 Megabytes of Random Access Memory (RAM) Windows 98 or later (or Macintosh OS X) To Clear Cache –If you are having trouble accessing or viewing Magnys, try the below before contacting your representative: 1. From Internet Explorer select Tools Internet Options… General Settings… View Files 2. This will open an explorer window with the locally cached Internet files. 3. Select all files (Control-A) and delete the files by clicking the “delete” key. 4. Restart browser. This step is important! Reasons for clearing out one’s cache: –1. Your browser may have cached an old copy of the WebPages in question –2. The page does not refresh the data –3. The browser will not let you logout.
4 Accessing Magnys On the internet go to Click on the Magnys logo Select - To Get Started with Magnys Enter login id, last 4 digits of your fed tax id, and pin code( PIN will expire every 90 days )
5 Magnys Home Page This is the Magnys Home Page. On this screen, you will find the following: - This will take you to the login in screen that will allow you access to Magnys - This will show you current status of any given billing system - This has links to news articles from Windstream Corp - This has links to documentation regarding Magnys and related procedures. An excellent resource for forms and answers to procedural questions. Note: The and accessible from this screen are available to all security groups. You will be able to access Vendor Specific information from these lincs once you have signed in
6 Logging In to Magnys To Login, you will need to enter the following Information in the above fields: Login ID: This is a seven digit identification number that is system generated upon setup Last 4 FID: This is the last four numbers of your Federal Tax Id that you have listed with Windstream PIN: This is your assigned Personal Identification Number - This is originally set by the Vendor Principal and is changeable by the Subordinate upon login. For the Vendor Principal this is originally set up by Windstream Indirect Distribution. PIN will expire every 90 days) Select “GO” to complete login Note After three unsuccessful attempts, your login id will be disabled until you have the pin reset Principal - Contact Windstream Field Representative Subordinate - Contact Vendor Principal
7 Magnys Main Screen Once Logged in, you will be able to see a menu bar across the top of the page. You will also be able to access information within Documents and News that is specific to your group. Hovering your mouse over each Menu header will show you the tables/screens that you will be able to access
8 Magnys Documents Above is an example of the items that may be available to you once you have signed into Magnys. To access the document, Click on the File name to open the Document. –Note: You must have the appropriate system program that is required by the document to be able to open(i.e.. To open “Boomerang Tracking Form.xls” you will need to have Excel installed on your machine To return to the Home Screen, Click the MAGNYS Home link(logo)
9 Magnys News Above is an example of the articles that may be available to you once you have signed into Magnys. To access an article, Click on the Subject To return to the Home Screen, Click the MAGNYS Home link(logo)
10 Viewing Your Commission Statements To access your statements, Commissions from the main screen Note: The only information that you will be able to view within this section, if any, will be based on the securities granted you by your Vendor Principal.
11 Commission amounts shown are not final until processing for the your bi-weekly payment has been complete. You can visit the Calendar in the section of Magnys to see which day of the month your processing is final.
12 Each evening Magnys begins its import and nightly processing of the commission cycles. During this time, access to the online commissions option is temporarily denied. If you attempt to access the online commissions system and the process has not completed, you will receive the above message. You will need to try again at a later time. To return to the Main screen from here, press “Alt - < (back arrow)”.
13 OCS Main Screen –Select Agent – Monthy – and the month you would like to view from the Drop Down. –Once month is checked, please hit lookup button
14 Vendor Report This “Summary Report” will list out the Total commission dollars by type of Sale The upper half of this report will give a commission paid to the vendor The lower half of this report will break the sales by units Brief Field Description : –Comp Plan - The name associated with the contract that you have signed with Windstream –Component - Each relates to a specific section of your contract or special promotion –Commission - The dollar amount associated with the Component being processed This report can be downloaded into Excel with the click of a button – You can export to Excel Excel Function –Detail will show each transaction
15 Detail Statement The Detail Statement will give you line by line item information regarding the transactions that are affecting your commissions. The Screen shot above does not show all fields that are available with this report. You have the ability with this report to view specific data by using a combination of options with in the filter –this data can be filter by one item or by a multi-selected item from the filter boxes This report and all variations can be exported into Excel. Further details on reading this statement and others can be found in the section of Magnys – You can export to Excel Filter Boxes
16 Processing Corrections
17 Completing a Manual Correction The only time that you are to complete a manual correction form is if one of the following apply: –If you are unable to retrieve the transaction from Magnys or if it has been finalized or is not found in Magnys –The manual correction form is to be completed and sent to your Windstream Field Representative via . The following Fields are required to be completed prior to sending to your Windstream Rep: –Vendor information - Agent Name, VID, Vendor number, –Issue – A description of what is missing or paid incorrectly –Sales Information- All requested data, for assistance contact your Field Rep –Include DCRIS Order # –Your Windstream Representative will conclude final research and validation before forwarding it to SCA All avenues of research should have been exhausted to include research by your Windstream Field Representative –Fields Required to be completed by Agent
18 Thank You for your Attention We look forward to doing business with you