XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 1 Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 2 Create a new Web page While there are many software programs designed for creating Web pages, for simple Web pages it may be easier to use Microsoft Word. This allows you to use many of the word processing skills you may already know and doesn't require you to learn a new software program. To create a new Web page, select Blank Web Page from the New Document Task Pane. To save your work, click Save as Web Page on the File menu. You can then create your Web page using Word's basic editing and formatting features.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 3 A Web page in a Word window Notice that many of the same formatting and editing tools are available. One difference is that you view the page in Web Layout view. This figure shows a Web page being created in Word.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 4 Convert a Word document to a Web page You can make an existing Word document available as a Web page. Convert the document to HTML format by selecting Save as a Web Page from the File menu. The Save as Web Page command opens the Save As dialog box, in which you can specify the Page title and filename that will be used for this page. Once it is saved as a Web page, the document can become the target of a hyperlink from another page.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 5 The Save As dialog box The Save As dialog box allows you to specify the drive and folder in which to save the page. You also specify the file name and specify to save it as a Web page.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 6 Insert hyperlinks It is easy to add hyperlinks to a document created as a Web page: –Select the text or image for the hyperlink –Click the Insert menu –Click the Hyperlink option on the Insert menu to open Insert Hyperlink dialog box –Locate the document to be used as the target for the hyperlink, select it, and click the OK button When the Insert Hyperlink dialog box closes, the text or graphic you selected is now shown as a hyperlink.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 7 The Insert Hyperlink dialog box This dialog box allows you to find and select some existing document to be used as the target of a hyperlink in your working document.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 8 Recognize a hyperlink in the Word window When you view a text hyperlink in a Word or Web page document in the Word window, the hyperlink is: –A different color than the rest of the text –Underlined If you position the pointer over the hyperlink, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click the hyperlink, the target page will open. When a graphic object is used as a hyperlink, it will usually have a colored border around the object.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 9 Illustration of a hyperlink In this figure, the word “Exercise” has been defined as a hyperlink.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 10 Display your Web pages in a browser You should view your document with a Web browser to verify how the document will look and to test your hyperlinks. Start your browser application and then select the Open command in the File menu to locate and open your Web page. Scroll through your document and click the hyperlinks to verify the targets.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 11 Launch Internet Explorer To view your Web page in a Web browser, you can launch Internet Explorer from the Windows taskbar. Click the Internet Explorer icon to start the browser. Once it has finished loading, you can open your Web page.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 12 Open a Web page in your browser To open a Web page in Internet Explorer: –Click File on the Internet Explorer menu bar –Click the Open option –Click the Browse button in the Open dialog box –Locate the drive and folder containing the page you want to open –Select the page and click the Open button –Click the OK button in the next dialog box and the page will open in the Browser window
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 13 Word Web page displayed in a browser This is an illustration of a Web page that was created using Word. Notice that the Web address is actually the file location on the local hard drive.
XP New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages With Word Tutorial 1 14 Test links in the browser If you have any hyperlinks defined in your page, click each of them to see if the correct target page opens. Click the Back button on the browser’s toolbar to return to the previous page. Repeat this procedure until all hyperlinks have been tested. Close Internet Explorer when all pages have been viewed.