The Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Enabling world class healthcare services within the North West
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Achieving world class healthcare services within the North West Everything we do is patient centered Need to shift the focus on health and wellbeing and the prevention of illness Developing the workforce is a vital connection for improving health services Requirement for whole system planning Creating flexible, confident, competent, accountable teams Ensuring partnership working across health and social care Involving people who use services Ensuring education and learning improves quality of care, patient safety and patient satisfaction World class education commissioning is central to supporting innovation and effective learning Need to achieve increased equity and diversity in the workforce Need to encourage further innovation, creativity, research and evaluation Ensure the health sector is an employer of choice Vision and key strategic messages
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Strategic drivers Delivering: the ‘People’s Matter Agenda’ Improving: Equality and Diversity Supporting: Healthier Horizons for the North West (PACE: Personalised Advanced Care Environment Programme) Embedding: World class commissioning, new rules of engagement and NHS performance regime Achieving: Leitch Skills Review Securing: High Quality Workforce: NHS Next Stage Review (Enhanced service-led workforce planning, Effective teams, Care Pathways, Modernising career pathways) Ensuring: Excellence in education and learning
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Strategy aims and features Strategic Aim Ensuring a competent, confident, affordable and supported workforce within the North West achieved through: –patient centred workforce planning –patient centred learning and education commissioning –patient centred teams Features A ‘whole workforce’ 10 year strategy Initial set of Pledges Balancing short terms plans with long- term vision Reviewed annually Key Point Owned locally and delivered in partnership: NHS North West will work with key partners to review model for delivery underpinned by local ownership and decision making Undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Strategy focus and structure Workforce planning and development - looking at the vision, principles, current and future workforce Education commissioning - outlining the commissioning principles, process, leadership, strategy and partnerships Education and learning - identifying the values, opportunities, benefits, challenges and future of learning
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy What will the workforce look like? Reflecting diversity Multiple service providers Working across sectors Moving away from traditional titles Reflecting clinical pathways Changes in demographics and migration Using intelligence systems Different career pathways
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Workforce Strategy priorities include… Establish a workforce strategy and workforce planning within PCTs, providers and across partner agencies as a fully integrated part of the business planning process Develop the process for integrating workforce planning for medical and dental staff into the wider service planning process and ensure appropriate increases are planned to meet needs of North West Develop and implement transformational systems for workforce planning, underpinned by partnership working, local ownership and health community plans Ensure commitment to new ways of working that create the high quality, adaptable and flexible workforce for the future Ensure the key strategic workforce priorities are supported and delivered
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Education Commissioning priorities include… Apply the principles and rules for co-operation and competition to strategic education commissioning, using the characteristics of good system management Develop robust partnerships that enable flexible and responsive healthcare education programmes Identify healthcare education needs better and respond creatively using innovative solutions that are founded on sound evidence. Use opportunities offered by the standard contract and benchmark pricing to drive forward the changes needed to assure the responsiveness and quality of healthcare education Review the existing education market and look for opportunities to augment and further harmonise provision while maintaining the sustainability of the education sector
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Education and Learning priorities include… Work with stakeholders and education providers to ensure that all commissioned healthcare education programmes are relevant in enhancing patient and service delivery Enhance the learning leadership capability and capacity of Learning and Development teams Increase the understanding and adoption of interprofessional and interagency learning With healthcare organisations, establish and support the adoption of an educational governance framework Work with education and service partners to build a robust, equitable, transparent, high quality learning environment and clinical placement infrastructure
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Supporting delivery Can only be undertaken and achieved by having effective partnerships with key regional and local partners: –NHS organisations –North Western and Mersey Deaneries –Education providers –Skills for Health and Skills for Care –Local authorities –Clinical and workforce networks –NHS North West Leadership Academy –NHS Academy North West –North West Health Care Libraries Unit
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Consultation period: September January 2009 Consultation Questions –Has the right focus for the strategy been identified? If not, how should it be different and why? –Are the identified workforce, education and learning commissioning challenges relevant to organisations? –How relevant do you think the vision of the strategy is for planning and improving the workforce? –Have the initial priorities for action been suitably identified? –Is there anything unexpected in the strategy? –What help might your organisation need to use and apply the strategy?
Workforce, Education Commissioning and Education and Learning Strategy Methods of responding Online: By post: Dean Royles Executive Director of Workforce and Education NHS Northwest 7th Floor Gateway House Piccadilly South Manchester M60 7LP