What is Referencing? ♦ Acknowledging ideas or information from other peoples’ work in your own writing.
Why do you need to reference? “It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required.” Sir Winston Churchill ( ) ♦ To distinguish your own ideas from those of someone else ♦To validate what you are writing, by referring to documented evidence ♦To inform readers of the scope and depth of your reading ♦To enable readers to consult the original source independently
What is PLAGIARISM? Taking another person’s ideas, writing or inventions and using them as your own Is considered to be academic theft and this is a serious offence Rewording another person’s work, without acknowledging its source is also plagiarism YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THE SOURCE OF ANY INFORMATION TO AVOID PLAGIARISM.
Referencing There are 2 parts to complete: In–text referencing: minimal information quoting or paraphrasing A reference list: full reference information
QUOTES AND PARAPHRASES You can acknowledge sources by either: Quoting copy directly word for word, or rewording or rephrasing the original material
QUOTING When material is copied word-for-word from a research source – books, journals, newspapers, internet etc. Example: Book with one author “……… ……” (Author’s Surname, Year of Publication, Page). “ …………………….” (Paki, 2003, p. 5).
QUOTING Book with two authors “…………..” (A & B, year, p. 4). Eg “.....” (Anderson & Brown, 2010, p. 4). Book with three authors “…………..” (A, B, & C, year, p. 438). Eg “.....” (Anderson, Brown, & Chen, 2012, p. 438).
Examples of “Direct Quotes” “Therefore our studies have shown that computers are an essential ingredient if people wish to be part of this current technological age” (Paki, 2003, p. 5). As Paki’s studies (2003) similarly show, “computers are an essential ingredient if people wish to be part of this current technological age” (p. 5). “….” (Peters, as cited in Paki, 2003, p. 39). Which of these authors is shown in the Reference List?
Practice Write the in-text citation for the following quote from page 99 of the textbook (info handed out: book with 3 authors.) “Social impact theory is concerned with how a social system influences people to behave and think in certain ways.”
Answer In-text citation “Social impact theory is concerned with how a social system influences people to behave and think in certain ways” (Clegg, Kornberger, & Pitsis, 2008, p. 99).
Examples of “Quote” & Paraphrase “Therefore, our studies have shown that computers are an essential ingredient in the classroom of the 1990s” (Bloggs, 1991, p. 54). Exercise: Paraphrase this direct quote. Possible answers In conclusion, Bloggs (1991) stated that computers were an indispensable component in the learning environment of any school (p. 54). Computers were an essential factor for any school in the 1990s (Bloggs, 1991, p. 54).
Example of paraphrasing several authors… …..Other writers in this field also indicate that the desire for freedom is highly valued by many people today (Douglas, 2000, p. 54; Kingi, 1999, p. 4; Peters, 2000, p. 7).
Multiple citations from one source in one paragraph Putting an in-text citation after every sentence from that source is distracting. Instead, introduce the source early, then refer to the author by name or pronoun, eg: Lazar (2006) describes several aspects of the data gathering process. He notes that the relevance and number of questions can affect participation rates. Lazar also found that…
REFERENCE LIST Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book (edition). Location: Publisher. Bowling, A. (1991). Managing stress levels (2 nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
Note on place of publication… American cities City, 2 letter state code eg Philadelphia, PA Non USA, no state City, Country eg Auckland, New Zealand Non USA, with state City, 2 or 3 letter state code, country eg Melbourne, Vic, Australia / Perth, WA, Australia / Sydney, NSW, Australia
Books / Reports / DVDs Include: 1Author(s)/Producer 2Year of publication 3Title 4Publication information If the book is available on-line: A retrieval statement or DOI is required after the title. Exclude the publication information. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) A unique number to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet.
Examples: Cancer Society of New Zealand. (n.d.). Reducing your cancer risk. Retrieved from Kay, G. N. (1999). Fiber optics in architectural lighting: Methods, design, and applications. doi: / Will, R. J. (2002). The characteristic symphony…and Beethoven. Retrieved from ebrary.
Practice Write the reference list entry for the following quote from page 99 of the textbook (info handed out.) “Social impact theory is concerned with how a social system influences people to behave and think in certain ways.”
Answer Reference List Entry Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., & Pitsis, T. (2008). Managing & organizations: An introduction to theory & practice (2 nd ed.). London, England: Sage.
Exercise: Correcting a reference list with errors Instructions: Highlight the parts below that are incorrect and discuss what the correct format should be. Use the APA guide in your course booklet to help you (p. 39 – 41). Bowling, A. (1991). Managing Stress Levels. Philadelphia, USA: Open University Press. Harris, Bob. (2004). The development of an early intervention model. Journal of Reading, 37(1), pp Parsons, E. (1996). Ideas for managing life. In Calabretto, H. & Kokkinn, B. (Editors.), Strategies for success in nursing studies (2 nd ed., pp ). Melbourne, Aus: Uni of SA. Statistics New Zealand. (2010). New Zealand in profile: Retrieved November 20, 2013 from
Example of reference list - corrected Bowling, A. (1991). Managing stress levels. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press. Harris, B. (2004). The development of an early intervention model. Journal of Reading, 37(1), Parsons, E. (1996). Ideas for managing life. In H. Calabretto & B. Kokkinn (Eds.), Strategies for success in nursing studies (2 nd ed., pp ). Melbourne, Vic, Australia: University of South Australia. Statistics New Zealand. (2010). New Zealand in profile: Retrieved from
Help with APA Referencing The following 2 sites can be accessed from the Wintec Library site on Mytec: University of Auckland, Quickcite: Wintec APA Guide: