MLA Format Books, Online Articles, Reference Works
Heading, Page numbers, and Title: Paper should be 12 font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced Smith 1 Joe Smith Ms. Martin Honors English 9 20 November 2013 Standardized Testing: not a true measure of intelligence
What the works cited page looks like: Works Cited: “Athena.” Myths and Legends of the World, Macmillan Reference USA Print. “The Gods, Creation, and the Earliest Heroes.” Mythology Index. Web. 5 Feb Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, Print.
Books: Parenthetical documentation Information taken from text is followed by parenthesis that include the author’s last name and page number information was taken from. Example: Athena is often described as having gray, flashing eyes. She is also often shown having an owl on her shoulder or near her (Hamilton 29).
Articles: Parenthetical documentation Shorten the full title to the first main word (‘the’ or ‘a’ are not the first main words), the word it will be alphabetized by in your works cited. Don’t include a page # unless it has real page #’s (not printer page #’s---1 of 2, etc…). “Full-grown and in full armor, she sprang from his head” (“Gods”).
Reference Works: Parenthetical documentation Use the title of the reference article, followed by the page # if there is one. Athena regularly appears in literary works such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, as well as the plays of Virgil and Ovid (“Athena” 272).
Books: In the list of works cited 1. Author’s name (Last name, First name) 2. Title of book (italicized) 3. Publication information (city, publisher’s name, year of publication, medium of publication) Example: Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, Print.
Articles: In the list of works cited 1. Name of author (if no author is listed, skip #1) 2. Title of the work (italicized if independent, “Quotation marks” if part of a larger work) 3. Title of the web site or database (italicized) 4. Publisher or sponsor of the site. 5. Date of publication 6. Medium of publication 7. Date of access Example: “The Gods, Creation, and the Earliest Heroes.” Mythology Index. Web. 5 Feb
Reference works: In list of works cited 1. Author 2. “Title” (use quotation marks) 3. Title of reference work (italicized) 4. Edition (if given) 5. Year of publication 6. Medium of publication Example: “Athena.” Myths and Legends of the World, Macmillan Reference USA Print.
Reminders: Alphabetize the works cited page by the first letter of the first main word (ignore the initial A, an, or the). Hit Enter + tab at the same time to create the indent. You must always cite the source within the text of your paper to avoid plagiarism! Do not copy and paste information directly. Paraphrase it, then cite it. If you do use a direct quote, make sure to use quotation marks, then cite it. If you are not sure how to cite something, see me or go to