Locality Planning West Rodney Provider evening 22 October2013
Introductions & Welcome ADHB CEO Ailsa Claire Thanks to PHOs, Iwi, and HealthLink North Provider introductions Roles of Primary Care Clinical Director and North Locality Clinical Director
Agenda TimeItemWho 6:30 pmKarakia/WelcomeHeta Tobin, Kaumatua 6:40 pmRefreshmentsAll 7:00 pmIntroductions and overviewSue Hawken 7:10 pmPresentations and discussion Locality planning processes What health information (data) do we have for West Rodney? Sue Hawken, Stuart Jenkins 7:30 pmWorkshop In your experience, what is working well? What is not working so well? What can we improve? – What are the key issues we can work on together over the next months? All 8:50 pmWhere to from hereSue Hawken 9:00 pmWorkshop closeHeta Tobin, Kaumatua
Locality Planning Processes Drivers for change –Increasing LTC and older population –Limited resource –Aging health/medical workforce Locality Establishment Governance Group (LEGG) 3 pilot areas: West Auckland, Maungakiekie/Tamaki and West Rodney Next steps: Further process in East Rodney
West Rodney Pop 2012 = 32,260
Population 2012 Age AgeWest RodneyWaitemata DHBAuckland Region 0-146,860113,150311, ,315190,230562, ,250180,350469, ,81568,850164,370 Total32,260552,5801,507,600 Age West Rodney WDHB %20.5% %14.4% %27.7% %24.9% %12.5% Total100.0% Population Estimate 2012 by Age, West Rodney, Waitemata DHB, Auckland Region. West Rodney and WDHB - % Population by Age, Population Estimate 2012
Ethnicity 2012 West Rodney and WDHB, % Population by Ethnicity, 2012
Population Projection West Rodney, Population Projection, 2006 to 2031
Projected Age Structure Change West Rodney – Projected Age Structure Change –
Life Expectancy Life Expectancy at Birth – WDHB & West Rodney – – By Sex
Mortality rates by age by Ethnicity Age at Death – West Rodney, – Maori, Non-Maori
Ambulatory Sensitive Hospitalisations Adult (15-74 years) Age Standardised ASH Rate, WDHB and West Rodney
ASH by Condition, Adults ASH CategoryAdmissions% Angina and chest pain23517% Cellulitis17012% Gastroenteritis/dehydration16011% Respiratory infections - Pneumonia1128% Myocardial infarction987% Diabetes846% Kidney/urinary infection806% Asthma655% Epilepsy554% Congestive heart failure493% Other ASH29921% Total ASH1,406100% ASH by Category (Top 10) – , West Rodney Adults (15-74)
ASH by Condition, Maori, Adult ASH CategoryAdmissions% Cellulitis2415% Gastroenteritis/dehydration2415% Angina and chest pain2214% Diabetes138% Asthma117% Dental conditions96% Respiratory infections - Pneumonia96% Upper respiratory tract and ENT infections96% Congestive heart failure85% Kidney/urinary infection74% Other ASH2314% Total ASH159100% ASH by Category (Top 10) – , West Rodney Maori Adults (15-74)
Ambulatory Sensitive Hospitalisations, Child Child Age Standardised ASH Rate, WDHB and West Rodney,
ASH by Condition, Child ASH CategoryAdmissions% Dental conditions11123% Gastroenteritis/dehydration8417% Asthma8317% Cellulitis6714% Upper respiratory tract and ENT infections6012% Respiratory infections - Pneumonia429% Constipation194% Kidney/urinary infection92% Dermatitis & eczema31% GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)31% Other ASH71% Total ASH488100% ASH by Category (Top 10) – , West Rodney Children
ASH by Condition, Maori, Child ASH CategoryAdmissions% Dental conditions3325% Asthma2821% Cellulitis2317% Gastroenteritis/dehydration1713% Upper respiratory tract and ENT infections1612% Respiratory infections - Pneumonia86% Constipation22% Dermatitis & eczema11% Rheumatic fever/heart disease11% GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)11% Other ASH32% Total ASH133100% ASH by Category (Top 10) – , West Rodney Maori Children (0-14)
Workshop In multidisciplinary groups discuss and list: In your experience what is working well for this community? What is not working so well? What can we improve? i.e. What are the key issues we can work on together over the next months?
Timing and Prioritising pm Discuss in groups pm You have 20 minutes to place a coloured sticker by your top 3 priorities for the area Collate and Feedback