CS 360 Lab 1 Professor: Krzysztof Nowak TA: Mark Boady
Lab Overview 50 minute lab session Work in Teams (Individual submission) I need a copy of the lab for each STUDENT Grading: Written Questions are graded after submission Experimental Questions are shown and graded in class I will sign off on all members of the team at once.
Late Submission You may submit the lab At the end of class In my office hours CLC (UC 147) Thursday 12-2PM Thursday 4:30-6:30PM At the start of the next lab Missed Class If you miss class, you can make up work either in my office hours or me to schedule a special time
Grading Professor Grades Exam and Midterm TA Grades Homeworks Quizzes Labs Programming Assignments
Lab 1: Part 1 Document and Test member and insert from member-insert.scm maxmin from maxmin.scm msort from msort.m Document Write description of function in space provided on lab sheets (2-3 sentences) Test On tux run 2-3 tests for the function and show them to me
(define (order L) (if (and (not (null? L)) (not (pair? L))) 0 (+ 1 (reduce max 0 (map order L))))) Documentation for Order Compute the order of an object (maximum depth). The order of an atom is 0.The order of a list is 1 plus the maximum order of its elements. In General try to answer What does the function do? What is the base case? What is the recursion?
Lab 1 Part 1
Lab 1 Part 2 Tail and Non-Tail recursive versions of Factorial n! 2^n 2^(n!) using composition function in lab Remember you can use a helper function to make a tail and non-tail recursive have the same inputs. (define (tail_fact n) (…)) (define (non_fact_helper n res) (…)) (define (non_tail_fact n) (non_fact_helper n 1))
Lab 1 Part 3 & 4 Range (range (start step end)) (define (range m) (…)) (range ‘(1 2 10)) =>( ) Sequence Make use of range and map Extra Credit Binomial Lecture 2 Part 1 Slide 13