Adding Person Records
Approved Source Documents for New Person Adds The following are the only documents approved to use for entering new Person Records into Colleague, and the Source/Type of Person being entered must correspond to the document being used. Person Source/TypeVerification DocumentOffice Employees/facultyEmployee Information SheetHuman Resources FacultyFaculty Information SheetHuman Resources Prospects/ApplicantsACT Import, Admissions Application, Inquiry Cards, Web Inquiries Admissions, CAPS, Div. of Adult Learning, Grad Enrollment Families of StudentsAdmissions Application data, Consent to Release Information Admissions, Records Donor FriendsGift/pledge payment method dataAdvancement VendorsNew Vendor Information formAccounts Payable InstitutionsAdmissions Application Transcripts Admissions, Records OrganizationsDonation payment method dataAdvancement
Step 1: Access NAE Name and Address Entry form Step 1: Access NAE Name and Address Entry form
Step 2: Do REQUIRED Lookup to Confirm Record is New Minimum lookup criteria required is at least the following three variables. If SSN is available, that should also be checked. Be sure the Person does not already exist before adding them. 1. Name (Last, first initial; Last, first name) 2. Birthday 3. Address
Search Tips Name last… (smith…) last,first (smith,john) or last,f… (smith,j…) last, first middle (smith, john allen) first last (john smith) Partial Name first 3 characters of last name followed by ‘,’ and at least 2 characters of first name (smi,jo…) Additional criteria (enter ‘;’ followed by one of the abbreviations listed below after the name c = city (smith ;c cleveland) st = state (smith ;st tn) or (smith ;c cleveland ;st tn) z = foreign country (by country code) (smith, z; ng) ss = Social Security number (smith ;ss xxxxxxxxx) or (;ss xxxxxxxxx)
Search Tips (cont.) Soundex enter ‘/’ followed by complete last name to see all names that sound or look similar in spelling (/macalister) Social Security Number if using ssn to lookup, if no records returned, must also use another lookup method to verify person was not entered with incorrect ssn Colleague will not allow entry of duplicate ssn’s Name format options If name could have multiple formats, eg spaces, dashes, etc., enter ‘_’ between two parts of name (mac_alister returns: McAllister, McCalister, McAlester, McAlister, McCollister, McLester) Foreign Names Multiple part names that could be first middle last, or first last, require manual checking of all combinations (John Meba Selasie, where Meba Selasie is complete last name, may have been entered as Last name: Selasie, First: John, Middle: Selasie. Do lookup on Meba AND Selasie to locate.)
Step 3: Enter Complete LFM (Last, First, Middle Name) Be sure to enter the name using this format. DO NOT combine the First and Middle Names, or the First and Last Names in a single field. Colleague will store the name in mixed case, meaning the first letter of each name will be capitalized followed by lower case letters. To format a name with multiple capitals, eg. DeLuca, enter = followed by the desired format. ‘=DeLuca’. After tabbing, the = will disappear and the name will display exactly as entered. If a prefix is known, select it here. This is an optional field, but should be included if available.
Step 4: Enter Full Address After entering the Street Address, tab to the City field, enter the Zip Code and tab out, The corresponding City and ST will automatically fill in.
Step 5: Select the Source Select the appropriate Source, from one of the choices available in the drop down list. ATE Alumni (Did Not Graduate COR Corporation GOV Government Agency FCM Community Foundation FCP Corporate Foundation PAR Parent/Guardian SPO Spouse FRD Friend of Institution VEN Vendor FAC Faculty RLO Religious Organization PRS Prospective Student STU Student ALU Alumni (Graduated) STF Staff BDM Board Member FPF Personal/Family Foundation FPR Private Foundation MGO Matching Gift Organization ADM Administrator CML Community Leader NPO Non-Profit Organization CON Church Congregation/Non-COG COG Church Congregation/COG FAM Family Member
Step 6: Enter Primary Phone and Type For Type, choose one of the options available in the drop down box.
Step 7: Enter SSN This is required for Employees and Faculty, and for Current Students. If available for prospects, it should be added. You can enter the full SSN with no dashes or spaces, as seen below. After tabbing, Colleague will format it this way:
Step 8: Enter Gender and Birth Date Click the calendar icon next to Birth Date if you prefer to scroll through a calendar. Recommended method is simply to enter the date fields in any format, or no format. Colleague will display as shown in second box below, regardless of how it is entered.
Step 9: Select Mail Code (if known) Mail Code: Select appropriate code if contact restrictions are specified. If indicated on New Person source document, this is required entry. N No Phone Calls S No Solicitations C Do Not contact at Work B Bad Mailing Address P Prefers M No Mail E No W Wrong Phone Number D Disconnected Phone Number NO No Contact in Any Form NT No Torch C Advanced Contact Only TO Torch Only NC No Personal Contact
Step 10: Enter Address and Type This is required for Employees and Faculty, and for Current Students. If available for Prospects, Parents, and Donors, it should be added. Select the Type; Choose one to flag as Preferred. Employees and Students will need to have their Lee marked Preferred. Save and Update from NAE
Other fields: Origin: not required, but select as needed Ethnic Code and Race Code: These fields are required for Faculty and Employees to accommodate IPEDS Reporting data requirements. Additional Info Options Bio: If Maiden Name, Nick Name, Other Name, or Birthplace is known, that can be entered on the BIO form by detailing on the Additional Information Icon from NAE EMER: If Emergency Contact Information is available, this can be entered on EMER by detailing on Additional Information. This is required for Employees and Current Students