SALUD WG IETF 78 Maastricht Friday, July 30, London Chair: Dale R. Worley
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Agenda TimeLengthPresenterTopicRelated Documents 13:00- 13:05 5ChairStatus and agenda bash Charter 13:05- 13:10 5ChairDiscuss adopting Liess draft as WG item draft-liess-dispatch-alert-info- urns-02 13:10- 13:15 5Dale Worley (as individual) Design challenges in alerting 13:15- 13:40 25Laura LiessChanges since -01 and open issues draft-liess-dispatch-alert-info- urns-02 13:40- 13:55 15AllDiscussion 13:55- 14:00 5Chair & allSummary and the way forward
Charter Sip ALerting for User Devices (salud)
The SALUD (Sip ALerting for User Devices) working group is chartered to define a new URN namespace that allows SIP to convey a particular alert indication using a name instead of a referenced URL. The Alert-Info URN namespace addresses issues encountered in current systems that use the Alert-Info header field. It is expected that this group will collaborate with the Applications area on the definition of the URN namespace. RFC 3261 allows a user agent server to provide a specific ringing tone, which can be played to the calling user, as a reference (e.g., an HTTP URL) in the Alert-Info header. In some situations, the calling user may not be able to understand the meaning of the ringing tone being played. For example, a user from a given country may not be familiar with the tone used to indicate call waiting in another country. Similarly, a hearing impaired person may prefer to get a visual call waiting indication instead of a call waiting tone. [...]
The group will produce a specification that: * describes the problem statement. * describes requirements and use cases. * defines an Alert-Info URN-scheme which allows to resolve the interoperability problems described in the use cases. * defines the specific Alert-Info URNs identifiers for some of the use cases above. The Alert-Info URN namespace must be open, so that additional Alert-Info URNs can be defined later if necessary.
Goals and Milestones Aug 2011 Alert-Info URN specification to IESG (PS)
Adoption of WG Item We must formally adopt drafts as WG work items. We have been working based on draft-liess- dispatch-alert-info-urns. Is there a consensus that we should make this draft a WG work item? Hum at IETF Maastricht. Final poll on ML ending around 16 August. If approved, L. Liess will submit as draft-ietf- salud-alert-info-urns-00.