Joachim Schultes University of Wuppertal FIT Iseg DCS Training Session 2.2
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes Overview Hardware Iseg EHQ F6 xxx – F modulesIseg EHQ F6 xxx – F modulesSoftware ToolsTools isegCANHVControlisegCANHVControl iseg HV OPC configurationiseg HV OPC configuration FIT isegFIT iseg IntegrationIntegration ControlControl WatchdogWatchdog
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes iseg EHQ F6 xxx – F modules Not HV, because we are below 1kV Not HV, because we are below 1kV Data sheet 16 channel16 channel Vmax:700 VVmax:700 V Imax:4 mAImax:4 mA INHIBIT per channelINHIBIT per channel
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes Iseg tools: isegCANHVControl Displays all scanned devices (only for configured CAN)Displays all scanned devices (only for configured CAN) Colour codedColour coded Green: no alarmGreen: no alarm Yellow: alarm, not selectedYellow: alarm, not selected Red: alarm and selectedRed: alarm and selected Two modes of operationTwo modes of operation EHQEHQ EHSEHS Actual it is necessary to operate the modules in EHQ mode Per iseg modules two nodes are visible (each 8 channels)Per iseg modules two nodes are visible (each 8 channels) Low level operation (debugging) possibleLow level operation (debugging) possible
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes Iseg tools: iseg HV OPC configuration Manage configuration file for OPC serverManage configuration file for OPC server Load old file firstLoad old file first Delete not existing nodesDelete not existing nodes Search for nodes on CANSearch for nodes on CAN Add missing onesAdd missing ones Save fileSave file Two modes of operationTwo modes of operation EHQ (displayed with xxxx 07)EHQ (displayed with xxxx 07) EHS (displayed with xxxx 25)EHS (displayed with xxxx 25) Actual it is necessary to operate the modules in EHQ mode
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes OPC server Communication via CAN (Peak CAN interface)Communication via CAN (Peak CAN interface) CAN lines have to be defined inside “isegHVOPCServer.ini”CAN lines have to be defined inside “isegHVOPCServer.ini” Configuration managed by “EHQ3216Srv.opc” files created by iseg HV OPC configurationConfiguration managed by “EHQ3216Srv.opc” files created by iseg HV OPC configuration CAN lineCAN line Node IdNode Id Operation typeOperation type......
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes FIT iseg: User Interface and Integration User Interface Shortcut on desktop (preferred)Shortcut on desktop (preferred) Additional manager inside the PVSS consoleAdditional manager inside the PVSS consoleIntegration Crate name has to be uniqueCrate name has to be unique Node Id as scanned with “iseg HV OPC configuration“ tool, includes can lineNode Id as scanned with “iseg HV OPC configuration“ tool, includes can line
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes FIT iseg: control Displays main information of the 8 channels of one CAN node (half iseg module)Displays main information of the 8 channels of one CAN node (half iseg module) Status of channel can beStatus of channel can be “OFF”“OFF” “ON”“ON” “INTERLOCK”“INTERLOCK” “ON-Itrip/Ilimit”“ON-Itrip/Ilimit” Ramp speed in % of NominalV [7 V/sec]Ramp speed in % of NominalV [7 V/sec] IV curve possible with selected channel (be aware of modularity)IV curve possible with selected channel (be aware of modularity)
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes FIT iseg: control settings Read/writeRead/write GeneralFineAdjustGeneralFineAdjust GeneralKill [0 ISet, 1 ITrip]!!!GeneralKill [0 ISet, 1 ITrip]!!! GeneralSafetyLoop [0 opened, 1 closed]GeneralSafetyLoop [0 opened, 1 closed] StatHardwareILimit [bit pattern]StatHardwareILimit [bit pattern] StatHardvareVLimit [bit pattern]StatHardvareVLimit [bit pattern] StatINHIBIT [bit pattern]StatINHIBIT [bit pattern] StatITrip [bit pattern]StatITrip [bit pattern] ErrThresholdErrThreshold Read onlyRead only GeneralStable [all channel stable]GeneralStable [all channel stable] GeneralStatGeneralStat GeneralSumErrorGeneralSumError GeneralSupplyTempGeneralSupplyTemp ADCFilterFrequencyADCFilterFrequency AlarmAlarm AliveAlive AllocChnAllocChn BitRateBitRate ChnNotOkChnNotOk
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes FIT iseg watchdog: all OK Separate process monitoringSeparate process monitoring Wiener Control Manager (self monitoring)Wiener Control Manager (self monitoring) Wiener OPC DA Client, sends and receives data from and to the OPC server and communicates them to PVSS.Wiener OPC DA Client, sends and receives data from and to the OPC server and communicates them to PVSS. Wiener OPCS, which is the OPC server communicating with the crates.Wiener OPCS, which is the OPC server communicating with the crates. Wiener crates themselvesWiener crates themselves Monitoring of devices can be disabledMonitoring of devices can be disabled
DCS Training 2007: FIT IsegJoachim Schultes FIT iseg watchdog: pending alert OPC client not running (OPC server status unknown) start OPC client (-num 3)OPC client not running (OPC server status unknown) start OPC client (-num 3) OPC server not running (OPC client running) check config file, start OPC serverOPC server not running (OPC client running) check config file, start OPC server Device not responding (status unknown) check connections and power use isegCANHVControl check configurationDevice not responding (status unknown) check connections and power use isegCANHVControl check configuration