Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International School Readiness Goals: Using Data to Support Child Outcomes
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Our Faculty Linda Bleything Head Start Director Faith Carr Assistant Director of Information Services Douglass Community Services Head Start Hannibal Missouri Rhodanne Schiller State Manager and ECE Specialist Tammie Benton ECE Specialist Missouri Training and Technical Assistance Center 2
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Learning Outcomes Participants: Identify expectations and requirements for School Readiness Goals Identify and fully implement four steps for school readiness goals Aggregate and analyze data on children’s progress Fully implement strategies for supporting and measuring progress on school readiness goals 3
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Focus and intent Developing meaningful school readiness goals for all children in Head Start is a mandate that creates clarity of purpose, insures instruction across all domains, provides a foundation to determine the success of our work, and is the key to program improvement. 4
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Poll 5
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Our Mission 6
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Steps to School Readiness
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Alignment
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Step one… Establish school readiness goals across domains that adopt and align to the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework, Missouri Early Learning Standards, Curriculum goals, Local School Districts Kindergarten Readiness goals, and parents expectations. 9
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Alignment 10
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Let’s Talk About Goals Children’s social skills are improved Children demonstrate increasing numbers of healthy relationships with adults and peers Children use positive social skills with peers Children demonstrate increasing awareness of the emotional needs of themselves and others
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Sample Goals 12
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Early Head Start Grantees having Early Head Start must develop goals that serve across the age range Stand alone EHS goals cover entry to age three and support a transition to the next setting Grantees having both HS and EHS create goals that cover entry to age 5
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Step two… Create and implement an action plan for achieving school readiness goals
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Planning Well developed plans: Based upon clear goals and specific activities Have realistic time lines Identify who will be responsible Are supported by adequate resources Include measures of success
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Step three… Assess child progress on an ongoing basis and aggregate and analyze data multiple times throughout the year
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Child Assessment Child assessment includes formal assessment such as check lists, but it also includes information described in anecdotal notes, portfolios, video portfolios, and parent reports on progress
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Principles Choose tools carefully checking for validity and reliability Insure that staff using the tools are well prepared Establish policies for inter rater reliability Conduct random checks to check for inflation or deflation Insure that data is entered accurately and timely Use software that supports easy to read data State Pre-K Assessment Policies: Issues and Status
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Poll
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Step four… Examine data for patterns of progress for groups of children in order to revise, or develop and implement plans for program improvement
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Think about it Language Scores by Color Band There are 86 EHS and 349 HS children included here. Birth to 15%Preschool 3 36% 1 to 2 years 9%Pre-K 4 39% 2 to 3 years 12%
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Think about it Classroom A & B Language Scores FallWinterBelow Meets Exceeds What does this data tell you? What other questions do you need to ask?
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Think about it Language Comparison BelowMeetsExceeds All Classes Fall48%49%3% Winter19%74%7% Center A Fall62%38%0% Winter28%67%5% 23
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Think about it Language Comparison BelowMeetsExceeds All Classes Fall48%49%3% Winter19%74%7% Center B Fall34%59%7% Winter15%59%26% 24
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Child Outcomes Children are ready for school and sustain development and learning gains through third grade 25
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Summary and Reflection 26
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International POLL 27
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International Thank You! Thank you to Tina Bernskoetter Executive Director of the Missouri Head Start Association for hosting this event. 28
Prepared for the Office of Head Start by ICF International 29 Contact Information Rhodanne M. Schiller MS Ed. Missouri State Center Manager/ECE Specialist/IT Specialist ICF International Telephone: Tammie Benton ECE Specialist ICF International Telephone: Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center