Timepix in EUDet – CERN contribution Michael Campbell PH Department CERN Geneva, Switzerland Spokesman, Medipix2 Collaboration
4 January 2006Michael Campbell The Medipix2 Consortium Institut de Fisca d'Altes Energies, Barcelona, Spain University of Cagliari and INFN Section thereof, Italy CEA, Paris, France CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Universitat Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, University of Glasgow, Scotland Universita' di Napoli and INFN Section thereof, Italy NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands University of Pisa and INFN Section thereof, Italy University of Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, France, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge England Mitthogskolan, Sundsvall, Sweden, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic ESRF, Grenoble, France Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany University of California, Berkeley, USA
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Hybrid Pixel Detector Detector and electronics readout are optimized separately
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Hybrid Pixel Detector - Cross Section
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Charge sensitive preamplifier with individual leakage current compensation 2 discriminators with globally adjustable threshold 3-bit local fine tuning of the threshold per discriminator 1 test and1 mask bit External shutter activates the counter 13-bit pseudo-random counter 1 Overflow bit Medipix2 Cell Schematic
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 Cell Layout
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 Chip Architecture 256 x 256 pixels 10ms readout time
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 Chip Architecture (II)
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Electrical measurements Electron Collection Hole Collection Gain12.5 mV/ke13.25 mV/ke Non linearity<3% to 100ke - <3% to 80ke - Peaking time<150ns Return to baseline <1 s for Qin <50 ke - Electronic Noise nL~ 110 e- nH~ 110 e- Threshold dispersion nTHL~ 360 e- (~ 90 e- tuned) Analog power dissipation ~8 W/channel for 2.2V supply
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 bump bonded to a 300 m thick Si sensor
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Bumps of readout side
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Bumps of readout side – close up
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Under bump metallization on sensor side
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 Readout - Muros2 65 units produced plug and play Suitable for single chip and for up to N-chip daisy chain Will run up to 200 MHz: N x 5 ms readout J. Visschers et al. Nikhef
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Medipix2 Readout - USB Courtesy: Jan Jakubek, Praha S. Pospisil et al., CTU Prague
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Image of a dried anchovy
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Image of a fly
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Image of a leaf ( 55 Fe)
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Ticking Swatch 5 frame/sec. Limited by DAQ software
4 January 2006Michael Campbell MediPix2 pixel sensor Brass spacer block Printed circuit board Aluminum base plate Micromegas Cathode (drift) plane 55 Fe Baseplate Drift space: 15 mm Very strong E-field above (CMOS) MediPix! Sinlge electron detection using Medipix2 H. Van der Graaf and coworkers Nikhef
4 January 2006Michael Campbell MediPix modified by MESA+, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands Pixel Pitch: 55 x 55 μm 2 Bump Bond pad: 25 μm octagonal 75 % surface: passivation SiN New Pixel Pad: 45 x 45 μm 2 Insulating surface was 75 % Reduced to 20 % Chip post processing
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Micromegas-Medipix2 setup
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Chamber Mechanics
4 January 2006Michael Campbell He/Isobutane 80/20 Non Modified MediPix Americium Source Radioactive source observation
4 January 2006Michael Campbell He/Isobutane 80/20 Modified MediPix Cosmic with associated delta ray
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Timepix Development Proposed in 2003 but funding difficult Timepix included in EUDet proposal Brainstorming meetings at CERN Outcome Keep Timepix as similar as possible to Medipix2 in order to benefit from large prior effort in R/O hardware and software Avoid major changes in pixel and/or readout logic – risk of chip failure due to poor mixed mode modelling Eliminate 2nd threshold Add possibility of programming pixel by pixel arrival time or TOT information 2 possible timestamp methods under study Local oscillator per pixel Clock sent to all pixels
4 January 2006Michael Campbell TOT in one pixel TOT width as a function of threshold for a constant input charge
4 January 2006Michael Campbell Conclusions TimePix is heavily based on Medipix2 effort CERN, Nikhef (J. Visschers), Napoli (P. Russo) and recently Prague (S. Pospisil) have been main contributors to Medipix2 Changes to functionality for TimePix should be minimized to avoid chip design failures Work on simulating the new possible architectures is already underway (X. Llopart)