Introduction to Azure Machine Learning and Data Mining algorithms Oleksandr Krakovetskyi CEO, DevRain Solutions PhD, Microsoft Regional
Levels of data
Data Mining The computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems.
Data Mining process 1.Selection 2.Pre-processing 3.Transformation 4.Data Mining 5.Interpretation/Evaluation
Working with data Different sources: databases, web, local files, semantic web, storages etc. Different formats: text, HTML, PDF, Word, JSON/XML. Parsing HTML-based sources. Data cleaning, filtering, sorting, saving.
Data Mining tasks 1.Anomaly detection 2.Association rule learning (Dependency modelling) 3.Clustering 4.Classification 5.Regression 6.Summarization 7.NLP
Machine Learning Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.
SQL Server Data Mining Spam filtrationGestures understanding in Microsoft Kinect Azure Machine Learning Using Data Mining in search engines Bing Maps started to use ML for traffic estimate Voice recognition Microsoft & Machine Learning Microsoft and Machine Learning
2015 Skype translator preview/ preview/ TuEeNpnc TuEeNpnc
Machine Learning Algorithms AlgorithmBinary Classification in Azure ML Multiclass Classification in AzureML Regression in Azure ML Logistic RegressionTwo-class logistic regression Multiclass Logistic Regression Linear Regression Support Vector MachineTwo-class support vector machine One-vs-all + support vector machine Decision TreeTwo-class boosted decision tree One-vs-all + boosted decision tree Boosted decision tree regression Neural NetworkTwo-class neural network Multiclass neural networkNeural network regression Random ForestTwo-class decision forest Multiclass decision forestDecision forest regression
Azure Portal Azure Ops Team ML Studio Data analyst HDInsightAzure StorageDesktop Data Azure Portal & ML API service PowerBI/DashboardsMobile AppsWeb Apps ML API service Developer
Demo Working with Azure ML Studio Creating basic NER Working with gallery
References hive/2015/04/15/free-ebook-microsoft-azure- essentials-azure-machine-learning.aspx hive/2015/04/15/free-ebook-microsoft-azure- essentials-azure-machine-learning.aspx / / ua/services/machine-learning/ ua/services/machine-learning/ arning arning
Q&A Oleksandr Krakovetskyi CEO, DevRain Solutions PhD, Microsoft Regional