Mrs. Malson NCHS Theatre Director
Past: ● 4th year as a Theatre Teacher ● Came from Richmond TX, and SBISD
Present: ● Married for 1 year ● Have 3 dogs ● 2 Sisters
Future: ● Larger more inclusive program ● Musicals ● Fall shows ● One Acts ● Banquets/Award shows
2 truths, 1 lie! ● I love Star Wars ● I was a techie in college ● I can spell really well
Syllabus Follow along with me!
Name Game ● Miraculous Malson
Alien Tiger Cow Description Everyone in a circle. There are 3 things a player can be: An alien: hold you index fingers up next to your head, as little antenna`s and say `Bleeb bleeb`, bending inwards into the circle; A cow: bend forward, hold your right hand on your tummy and go `Moooo` A tiger: push your right hand forward, imitating a claw and roar. On your sign, every player decides to become one of the three. The idea is for everyone to become the same, which obviously won`t be the case, the first time. We re-do this until everyone is in sync.
Machine Description MC/trainer comes up with a (real or invented) machine. The players make the machine; every player becomes a part of the machine. We want to see/hear the machine work.
This is not... Description Actors are given an object, this object can be pantomimed to become anything other than what they object really is
Whose Line is it anyways?
What are you doing?? Description Everyone at one end of the room, form a long line. The first player of the line steps into the room and starts miming an activity. As soon as the activity is clear, player 2 approaches player 1 and asks `What are you doing`. The first player answers something that has nothing to do with what he`s actually doing. E.g. if player 1 is cutting someone`s hair, when asked what he`s doing he might say "I`m reading the newspaper". First player moves away, and the second player starts miming the activity stated by the previous player. A third player comes up to player 2, asks what he is doing, and so on. Play until everyone has mimed something, and has answered the question.
Dating game Description This is played like a Blind Date show. One player leaves the stage, and the audience provides endowments for the 3 others. Examples might be No. 1 is stupid, No. 2 is a serial killer and No. 3 thinks he`s a macho. 4th player gets to ask 3 questions, and each of the others answers it. After the questions player 4 should guess what the endowments were
Theatre Terms: (you should take notes- these are on your test!) What is theatre? Theatre is believable behavior in an imaginary environment. theatRE the spelling use for the art of theatre or the European way of spelling it. theatER The building theatre is in or the American way of spelling it.
Theatre Terms: Stage Directions: How an actor learns to move about the stage space.
Theatre Terms: Stage Movement: Full Front is when the actor faces directly toward the audience ¼ Turn when the body is turned away from the audience at a 45 degree angle. This is the position directors want when they tell an actor to open up or to keep open. Profile when to actors face each other on stage.
Theatre Terms: Continued…. 3/4 Turn when the body is turned away three quarters from the audience Full Back when the actors is faced upstage with their back facing the audience. Keeping Open or Cheat Out means for an actor to keep his or her body open to the audience so the audience can see them. Closed a position where the actor is turned away from the audition. To "close in" is to turn away from the audience
Theatre Terms: Continued…. Blocking an Actor when one actor stand in front of another block the audience's view of that actor. Cross To move from one point of the stage to another. Symbolized by an X in blocking notation. Counter Cross moving in the opposite direction - and out of the way - of another actor who is moving across the stage. Upstaging the term applied to one actor who takes position above another actor which forces the second actor to face away from the audience.
Theatre Terms: Actors main Tools 1. Voice, 2. Body
Theatre Terms: Pantomine: To act out very physically without using words; a style of acting that is most often utilized in Children's Theatre.
Theatre Terms: Improvisation: Acting without any rehearsal, usually involving short scenes
Theatre Terms: Monologue A speech performed by one performer, giving depth and insight into a character's thoughts or feelings; also called a soliloquy.
Theatre Terms Subtext: the meaning and unspoken undercurrents under the words
Theatre Terms Script: Exposition: the part of a script that gives the basic facts needed to understand the story and the characters; the part where we learn who, where, when, etc. Rising Action: the part of a scene or play where two opposing characters' objectives clash and build up the tension of the scene Conflict: the clash that results when two opposing objectives meet Climax: Climax: the section of a scene where one character wins and the other loses objective
Theatre Terms: Script Continued… Resolution: the period after the climax, as we see the way each person copes with the outcome Analysis: using script information, imagination, observation and research to create a character
Dubbed Movie Description 2 or more actors play a scene, but they don`t speak, although they can move their mouths as if they are speaking. 2 or more players sit in front of the action, and provide the speech. The effect is (or should be) like watching a dubbed movie.
Famous Last Words Description MC asks the audience for famous (living or dead) people, or characters in movies, cartoons or songs. Players line up and invent `famous last words` for the subjects given by the audience.
Chivalrous Couples One person with a loud voice will stand on a chair or other high place so that they can be seen above the heads of the group. After you have explained the game and everyone is ready the person on the chair will call out one of the following couples: Knight and Queen, Prince and Princess, and Horse and Rider. When one of these three couples is called people must get into pairs. If Horse and Rider were called one of the people in the pairs will be the Horse and one will be the Rider. Then the pairs will get into the correct formation. Each of the three chivalrous couples has its own formation that goes with it. The Knight and Queen's formation is one person as the "Knight" down on one knee and the other person as the "Queen" sitting on the "Knight's" knee. The Prince and Princess formation is one person as the "Prince" will have the the other person, the "Princess," in their arms. The Horse and Rider formation is the "Horse" will be standing up and the "Rider" will be riding piggy-back on the "Horse." The last pair to get into the correct formation is either out of the game or they "Take 5" off to the side of the group. After one chivalrous couple has been called and one or two pairs of people have been eliminated have the group mingle. Then randomly call another couple. Have the group try to get into pairs with different people at every round.
Only Questions Description A scene is improvised, in which any sentence used by the players must be a question. Players that use statements instead of questions are boo-ed out by the audience (audience yells `Die`) and are replaced by other players. New players need to take over the character of the players they replace.
Scenes to Music Description A silent scene is played, in which the characters` emotions are controlled by the music.
You’re Fired Description’ This is a scene with 2 players, in which the lines are scripted. Here`s the script: (1) {Knocks on a door} (2) Come in. You know why I called you? (1) {Indicates she does not know why} (2) {Hands 1 a (mimed) piece of paper} (1) I thought you wouldn`t take that into account? (2) You`re fired. (1) Fine. I hated that stupid job anyway. Have the players play that scene. They need to stick to the script, but can really do anything as long as they don`t add any lines. It probably won`t be all that interesting. Then make them replay the scene, but give them a side coaching (which the other player and the audience or the rest of the group don`t hear). See if the scenes become any more interesting. Notes Players can do quite a lot without deviating from the script. They can build/open doors, windows, cabinets, make all kinds of noises or faces.