Monday, November 23 rd, 2015 Agenda: Share anchor charts for Rikki-tikki-tavi questions. Affix Presentation Affix Activity Homework: Narrative with new vocabulary = Due Tue
Let’s Review ex out, formerly, thorough extricate denotation: to set free com/con with, together concur denotation: to agree
Let’s Review meta change, beyond metamorphic denotation: characterized by a change in form cis to cut precise denotation: careful with details, exact
Hypo Meaning: Below, under Hypothesis: educated guess Per Meaning: very Peruse: to read carefully
Front of Card path root meaning: feeling
sympathy POS: noun denotation: feeling of sorrow about someone else’s misfortune.
empathy POS: noun denotation: the ability to identify with another person’s feelings.
Back of Card apathy POS: noun denotation: lack of interest or concern The apathetic student refused to help his classmates.
Front of Card se root meaning: apart
seclusion POS: noun denotation: the state of being away from others Connotation: +/-
security POS: noun denotation: the state of being free from danger connotation: +
Back of Card secession POS: noun denotation: the act of formally withdrawing from membership The South fought for secession from the North.
Front of Card trans affix meaning: across, through
transition POS: noun denotation: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another connotation: +/- Transition words
transcribe POS: verb denotation: put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form Connotation: -0-
Back of Card transpiration POS: noun denotation: evaporation of water from plant leaves Connotation:-0- Transpiration is an important step in the water cycle.
Front of Card ance, ancy, ant suffix meaning: act of, state of being, quality of
Back of Card compliance POS: noun denotation: the act of conforming connotation: +/- The class was in compliance as the substitute teacher took attendance.
Front of Card ence, ency, ent suffix meaning: act of, state of being, quality of
Back of Card turbulence POS: noun denotation: violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid Connotation: - conflict; confusion
Homework Write a narrative with the inclusion of a minimum of 8 new vocabulary words. Include exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Highlight each portion of the narrative. Underline vocabulary words.