Food for Stronger, Sharper and Smarter Brain
Ginseng, Fish, Berries, or Caffeine? They can do everything from sharpen focus and concentration, to enhance memory. you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain, simply by adding "smart" foods and beverages to your diet.
Sugar business Sugar is brain's fuel. A glass of something sweet to drink can offer a boost to memory, thinking processes, and mental ability. Sugar enhance memory, but also pack on pounds when taken in excess.
Take Caffeine for More Alertness Certain substances, like caffeine, boost IQ thus makes you smarter. Caffeine gives you that unmistakable wake-up ring but the effects are short term. It can also make you jittery and uncomfortable when taken in excess.
Fish is definitely good for Brain Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, essential for brain function and development. Dietary omega 3 fatty acids are linked to lower dementia and stroke risks, enhances memory.
Protein & Brain Connected Protein makes you feel satisfied longer than carbohydrates and fats. Eating a rich low-fat protein diet is good for weight loss and health.
Blueberries -Nutritious Blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress. Reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Improves the Learning capacity.
Add Avocados and Whole Grains Blood flow is must of every organ in Human Body. Whole grains and whole wheat, contribute to dietary fiber and vitamin E, while avocados have fat. But excellent for Blood circulation.
Healthy Diet Lacks of essential nutrients, may decrease your ability to concentrate. Eating too much or too little can also interfere with your ability to focus. Strive for a well-balanced diet comprising of healthy and nutrient food.
Daily Dose of Nuts and Chocolate They are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E. Dark chocolate also has powerful antioxidant, and contains caffeine, good for focus and concentration.
Supplements? Researchers are cautiously optimistic about ginseng, gingko, or vitamin, mineral, and herb combinations and their impact on the brain. A daily multivitamin is OK, but consult your doctor before taking other supplements.