Roger Waters George Roger Waters is an English rock musician. He is best known as the bass player and one of the main songwriters in the English rock band Pink Floyd from 1964 to Following his split with Pink Floyd in 1985, Waters began a moderately more..more..
“ Roger Waters:"What it comes down to for me is: Will the technologies of communication and culture — and especially popular music, which is a vast and beloved enterprise — help us to understand one another better, or will they deceive us and keep us apart?" #Music#Music
“ Roger Waters:"It's actually quite emotional, standing up here with these three guys after all these years, standing to be counted with the rest of you. Anyway, we're doing this for everyone who's not here, and particulary of course for Syd" #Life and Living#Life and Living
“ Roger Waters:At Live Earth on global warming "I think what you can do is vote...This problem will not be solved until we the electorates make it quite clear to candidates running for office that we will not vote for them unless they have a clear policy on the environment and global warming in particular. And also we will not vote for them if they have a track record like this current administration does." #Voting#Voting
“ Roger Waters:"In the finished article, the only thing that is important is whether it moves you or not. There is nothing else that is important at all." #Books - Reading#Books - Reading
“ Roger Waters:"Well, anyway, I am one of the best five writers to come out of English music since the War." #Music#Music
“ Roger Waters:"The Final Cut" on The Final Cut (Pink Floyd, 1983) #Food and Eating#Food and Eating
“ Roger Waters:"Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" on A Saucerful of Secrets (Pink Floyd, 1968) #Nature#Nature
“ Roger Waters:"It's like saying 'Give a man a Les Paul guitar and he becomes Eric Clapton,' you know. It's not true. And give a man an amplifier and a synthesizer, and he doesn't become whoever, you know. He doesn't become us." #Love#Love
“ Roger Waters:Asked what his artistic purpose was: "There is no purpose. We do whatever we do. You either blow your brains out or get on with something." #Arts and Artists#Arts and Artists
“ Roger Waters:"For us the most important thing is to be visual, and for the cats watching us to have fun. This is all we want. We get very upset if people get bored when we're only half way through smashing the second set. Then all of a sudden they hear Arnold Layne and they flip all over again." #Widowhood#Widowhood
“ Roger Waters:"We've got the recording side together and not the playing side." #Politics#Politics
“ Roger Waters:"Oh, they [the Media] definitely don't want to know the real Barrett story... there are no facts involved in the Barrett story so they can make up any story they like, and they do. There's a vague basis in fact: Syd was in the band and he did write the material on the first album, 80% of it, but that's all. It is only that one album, and that's what people don't realise. That first album, and one track on the second. That's all; nothing else." #Family#Family
“ Roger Waters:"Wish You Were Here" on Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd, 1975) #Christians and Christianity#Christians and Christianity
“ Roger Waters:"Comfortably Numb" on The Wall (Pink Floyd, 1979) #Life and Living#Life and Living
“ Roger Waters:"Sheep" on Animals (Pink Floyd, 1977) #Nature#Nature
“ Roger Waters:"I had at one point this rather depressing image of some alien culture seeing the death of this planet - coming down in their spaceships and sniffing around; finding all our skeletons sitting around our TV sets and trying to work out why our end came before its time and they come to the conclusion that we amused ourselves to death.." #Cooperation#Cooperation
“ Roger Waters:Regarding the spate of High School shootings of 1999: "in the Colorado shootings, the media seemed to change their tack a bit. Though they attached ghoulishly to it, covered it 24 hours a day and even gave it a logo like 'Horror in the Rockies', they did address issues of alienation and pain rather than just saying, 'oh, these aberrant teen-agers have to be stamped out.' After denigrating self-help ideas for the last 20 years, the media are beginning to look at the psychology and not just the police work." #Critics and Criticism#Critics and Criticism
“ Roger Waters:"Leaving Beirut" on To Kill the Child/ Leaving Beirut (Roger Waters, 2005), regarding the war in Iraq #Family#Family
“ Roger Waters:"Breathe" on The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd, 1973) #Moon#Moon
“ Roger Waters:"Either you write songs or you don't. And if you do write songs like I do, I think there's a natural desire to want to make records. So, when I left Pink Floyd, I guess I had two, no three choices open to me: Not to do it anymore, which is daft as I was writing songs, although I suppose I could have written for other people, but I like making records; so I could either do it as Roger Waters or I could have got together with other people and said hey, why don't we start a band? But my view of bands had been jaundiced slightly by my previous experience, so I think that was something I never considered." #Family#Family
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