University Academic Advising Center (UAAC) Marilyn Hagerty ACADEMIC POLICIES and Advisement Issues
Overview Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Exemptions UTPA Math Placement Excess Hours Fee (Enrollment CAP) Impact of Concurrent / Dual Enrollment Three Peat Rule Six Course Drop Rule Second Language Proficiency Criminal Background Checks
Texas State Initiative (TSI) Assessment Before Fall 2012, students will be assessed for college readiness with THEA and state approved alternate exams (ACCUPLACER, Compass, and ASSET) before entering college-level courses. NOTE: The TSI Assessment will change beginning Fall 2012 Appropriate advising is required for students in need of developmental education.
Current TSI Exemptions SAT and ACT ACT: composite score of 23 (19 on both the English and Math) SAT: a combined verbal & math score of 1070 with a 500 on both the verbal & math test
Current TSI Exemptions TAKS TAKS Exemption: 2200 on TAKS Math and 2200 on TAKS English/Language Arts with a writing sub score of at least 3. Partial Exemptions are also possible for Math (TAKS 2200) or Reading and Writing (TAKS ELA 2200). ALERT: Students who are not completely exempt MUST take a state approved test prior to enrolling in college level work.
Current Assessment Instruments and Minimum Passing Scores ExamReadingMathWritingEssay ASSET COMPASS ACCUPLACER THEA N/A
Texas State Initiative (TSI) Course Placement Students are placed in developmental education until they meet state standards for college readiness. Students are not allowed to enroll in upper-division coursework until they meet state standards for college readiness.
Current UTPA Math Placement ACTSATMATH Below 17Below 400 Math 1300 Elementary Algebra Math 1334 Intermediate Algebra Math 1340 College Algebra 25 or higher570 or higher** With Math Department Permission Can Repeat Highest High School Math
Additional Testing Requirements for Education Majors All students seeking admission to a state- approved Texas educator preparation program or alternative certification program are required to demonstrate college-level skills in reading, oral and written communication, critical thinking, and mathematics.
Current UTPA College of Education THEA or Accuplacer Requirements Minimum scores required are as follows: THEA/QUICK THEA/TASP Reading Math Writing ACCUPLACER is an accepted alternative to the THEA/TASP Reading Math Writing w/5 writing sample, or Elementary Algebra any score w/6 writing sample
Core Curriculum All public institutions in Texas are required to have and publish a core curriculum required of all students If all courses required in one institution’s core are completed the student may transfer to another public institution and not be required to take any additional core courses.
STC GOVT UTPA POLS GOVT Courses taken at STCPOLS Courses required at UTPA GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2302 (OLD)No additional POLS course required GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306 (NEW)No additional POLS course required GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2305No additional POLS course required GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2306No additional POLS course required GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2305POLS 2313 GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2306POLS 2313 GOVT 2302POLS 2313 GOVT 2305POLS 2313 GOVT 2306POLS 2313 New STC Government Sequence STC GOVT 2305 – Federal Government STC GOVT 2306 – Texas Government If a student is NOT CORE COMPLETE, the following transfer chart will be used
Higher Education Laws and Rules Excess Hours (Enrollment Cap) Three Peat Rule Six Course Drop Rule
30 Excess Hours (Enrollment Cap) First enrolled Fall 2006 and subsequently Students who enroll in more than 30 hours beyond the minimum required for their degree program will be charged an excess hours fee Current Excess Hour Fee: $90 /credit hour FALL 2013: Excess Hour Fee (Up To) $363/credit (Up To Out-of-State tuition) Begins the first semester after the student has hit the Excess Hour Limit / Enrollment CAP Example: Current: 12 credits x 90 = $1080 Fall 2013: 12 credits x 363 = $4,356
Dual Enrollment and Concurrent Enrollment Courses 1) What does the student want as a major / career? 2) Their dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment courses stay on their college transcripts ** The grades for these courses can have either a positive or a negative effect 3) Courses taken while in high school that count as dual credit will NOT count towards enrollment cap. ** Advise students to pick their courses wisely**
CE Course Recommendations Focus on the Degree, not the Core Arts & Humanities: Art, Dance & Music – core sprinkled between major courses Business Majors: BCIS and Introduction to Economics (ECON 1301) are not used towards the major Education: Degree plan for Elementary Ed – 6 th grade has six science and four math courses. ** New Early Care & Early Childhood Degree Plan Health Sciences: Nursing - Anatomy & Physiology, Comm. Disorders - requires Junior Level Statistics to be taken at UTPA Social & Behavioral Sciences: FBI/CIA as a career? Science: Biology and Chemistry (Balance Schedule) Engineering & CSCI: Must be Calculus ready
Degree Plans (See Handouts) Pre-Med Engineering Psychology Nursing Bi-Lingual Education (EC-6 th ) Music
Three Peat Rule (Effective Fall 2005) Students enrolled in a college credit course for the 3rd time within the same institution will be charged an additional $150 per credit hour.Students enrolled in a college credit course for the 3rd time within the same institution will be charged an additional $150 per credit hour. Students enrolled in Developmental Coursework (Math 1334, Eng 1320, etc.) within the same institution for more than 18 semester credit hours will be charged an additional $100 per credit hour.Students enrolled in Developmental Coursework (Math 1334, Eng 1320, etc.) within the same institution for more than 18 semester credit hours will be charged an additional $100 per credit hour.
Six Course Drop Rule (Fall 2007) Applies to students who enroll in higher education for the first time fall 2007 academic term or later An institution of higher education may not permit an undergraduate student to drop a total of more than six courses Includes any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education Concurrent enrollment courses and developmental courses are not considered under six course drop.
UTPA Second Language Proficiency Graduation Requirement Language proficiency is demonstrated at undergraduate level by equivalent to six semester credit hours in a language other than English. –exam (AP, CLEP, International Baccalaureate) –WebCape Placement Test ($10) through the UTPA University Testing Services, Online Registration and Payment UTPA Testing ServicesUTPA Testing Services –Six hours of College Credit (Including Dual/Concurrent)
Additional Issue: Criminal Background Checks *** Please inform your students*** Students choosing health, criminal justice and education careers are often required to have background checks before being accepted into the academic program or before entering their field experience.
Questions? University Academic Advising Center (UAAC) Marilyn Hagerty, Director Southwick Hall – Room 105 (956) or Website: (see next slide)
University Academic Advising Center Website