The Benefits of CrossFit The Guitar Warehouse
Kid's minds are simply one of the most amazing things in the world. Whether it is something in school, a foreign language or even an instrument, the speed with which they learn new things is truly remarkable. When it comes to learning to play the guitar, kids do seem to learn much quicker than adults. This can likely be attributed to the following reasons: The Guitar Warehouse
Synapse In the Brain Synapse is the passing of electrical or chemical signals throughout the brain. It has often been thought that synapse plays a huge role in memory. With children, synapse is highly active until at least age 12 when it begins to slow down. This is why kids under 12 are usually able to learn to play the guitar much easier than adults. As kids get into their teen years you will notice that if they have not started to learn to play an instrument it will not come nearly as easy to them as it did when they were much younger. The Guitar Warehouse
More Time to Learn Let's face it, as a kid you have plenty of time to learn new things. Kids have literally hours that they could devote to playing the guitar if they would like. This is much different from adults who are lucky to have a few minutes of downtime each day which is primarily when adults would rather rest than pick up a guitar or other instrument. Kids on the other hand have little conception of time because their schedules are so loose and therefore they can spend a significant amount of time attempting to learn an instrument such as the guitar. The Guitar Warehouse
Open Mind Children by their nature have a very open mind when it comes to learning new things. This gives them a huge advantage over adults when they are trying to learn new things. Kids typically are not initially afraid of making mistakes which can make for far better musicians than timid ones who worry about each and every note. Keeping an open mind during the learning process is a great way to learn much quicker and to think outside the box a little depending on the type of music that you like and would like to learn to play. The Guitar Warehouse
Because a child's brain is still developing, there are many more connections in the brain of a child than the brain of an adult. This results in the ability to memorize things more quickly which helps children to learn faster. Being able to quickly memorize things helps significantly when learning to play the guitar. Teaching your brain to play can help to ingrain that in your mind which will be hard to forget if you learn to play when you are very young. More Connections in the Brain The Guitar Warehouse
Thank You While it does seem to be true that kids learn to play instruments such as the guitar much faster than adults, this is not to say that adults cannot learn to play. It may take a little more time but adults still can learn to play this wonderful instrument. The Guitar Warehouse