Status of Livestock Sector
Increase the availability of Milk, Meat & Eggs. Through scientific breeding, feeding & health care management. Improve the livelihoods of farm families. GOAL
OBJECTIVES To increase the quantity and quality of milk, meat and egg production To improve the production potential of our Cattle & Buffaloes by way of breed improvement through Artificial Insemination To provide preventive and curative health care to Livestock through constant vigil on disease outbreaks, rendering preventive vaccinations, deworming and treatment of ailing animals To augment feed & fodder production to meet the nutritional requirements of Livestock
OBJECTIVES Building awareness among farmers on profitable Livestock Production Coordinating with Health Department in controlling Diseases of Zoonotic importance Providing technical support to Livestock based poverty alleviation programmes To arrange relief measures to livestock during natural calamities with assistance of Disaster Management Department To promote ‘Livestock Insurance’ among Dairy Cattle & Sheep
Hon’ble Minister for AH, DD, F & SVVU Principal Secretary to Government, AH, DD & F Department Animal Husbandry Department AP Livestock Develop. Agency AP Sheep & Goat Devpt. Co-op Federatio n Ltd AP State Meat and Poultry Developm ent Corporati on AP Veterinar y Council IGCARL Sri Venkates wara Vety University APDDCF & APDDC Fisheries AP Fisheries Corpn Ltd AP State Fisherme n Co- Operative Society ORGANOGRAM OF AH, DD & F Department
SERVICES AVAILABLE FROM AH DEPT Treatme nt of Sick Animals Preventi ve Health Care to Livestoc k and Poultry Castratio n of Scrub Bulls Artificial Inseminati ons Feed and Fodder Develop ment Extensio n and Awarene ss Capacity Building Doorstep services through Gopalmitr as Mobile Veterina ry Services in Backwar d / Tribal areas
LIVESTOCK OWNERSHIP 2012 LIVESTOCK OWNERSHIP 2012 (Farmers dependant on Livestock Sector - In Lakh Nos) Households having Cattle Households having Buffaloes Households having Sheep-3.91 Households having Goats-3.34 Households having Backyard Poultry Households engaged in Livestock rearing Activities46.45-
GSDP CONTRIBUTION FROM LIVESTOCK SECTOR GSDP CONTRIBUTION FROM LIVESTOCK SECTOR ( Current Prices – Rs Crores) ParameterAP Milk Meat Meat Products Dung Wool4.28 Egg Poultry Meat Cacoons Honey77.05 Increment in Livestock Total from LS Sector Total GSDP % of LS to Total GSDP 6.26
GDP and VALUE contribution VALUE OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS=Rs crores GDP contribution in Agricultural sector = 33%
INFRA STRUCTURE UnitNo. Super Speciality Veterinary Hospital (SSVH)2 Veterinary Poly Clinic12 Veterinary Hospital180 Veterinary Dispensary1410 Rural Livestock Unit1501 Gopal Mitra Centre2631 Frozen Semen Bull Stations3 Bull Rearing Station1 Quality Control Laboratory1 Frozen Semen Depots (DLDAs)13
INFRA STRUCTURE UnitNo. Livestock Farms4 Sheep Farms1 Pig Breeding Stations4 No. of Fodder Seed Production Farms1 Gopalamitras2549 Dairy Union A.I Centres244 BAIF47 ISDPs7 State AH Training Centre1 Regional AH Training Centre5 District AH Training Centre13
CADRE STRENGTH Parameter Andhra Pradesh Sanctioned PostsWorkingVacant Joint Directors13121 Deputy Directors33258 Assistant Directors Veterinary Asst Surgeon Total Paravets Gazetted Ministerial Staff14 0 Office Subordinates Total
LIVESTOCK RESOURCES – STATUS IN THE COUNTRY S. No Species Unit of Measurement Number as per LSC 2012 (Lakhs) As per Livestock Census, 2007 APIndiaPosition 1Crossbred Cattle Lakh Nos th 2Indigenous Cattle Lakh Nos th 3Total Cattle Lakh Nos th 4Buffaloes Lakh Nos th 5Sheep Lakh Nos nd (TG) 6Goats Lakh Nos th 7Pigs Lakh Nos th 8Total Livestock Lakh Nos th 9Poultry Lakh Nos rd (Tamilnadu, TG)
RankStateQuantity% 1Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan Gujarat Punjab Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra Haryana Tamil Nadu Bihar Karnataka West Bengal Telangana Kerala Orissa All India Total MILK PRODUCTION (LMTs)
RankStateQuantity% 1Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Telangana Kerala Haryana Bihar Punjab Karnataka Rajasthan Orissa Nagaland Jharkhand All India Total59.48 MEAT PRODUCTION (LMTs)
RankStateQuantity% 1Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Telangana West Bengal Maharashtra Haryana Punjab Karnataka Orissa Kerala Uttar Pradesh Gujarat Chhattisgarh Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh All India Total69.73 EGG PRODUCTION (Crores)
Sl NoLivestock Product WHO STANDARDS (Requirement) APTGIndia AP position in the country 1 Milk (Gms/Day/Head) Meat (Gms/Day/Head) Eggs (No./Year) PER CAPITA AVAILABILITY OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS
BREEDABLE POPULATION ItemCBND CattleGM BuffaloeND BuffaloeTotal In Milk Dry Not calved Others Total
S. No. category cross Bred cattle Nd cattleGM BuffaloeNd BuffaloeTotal milk in lactation (lakh Mts) cost of milk (Rs. Crores) No.of calves (lakhs) cost of calves (Rs. Crores)) Total income due to reduced ICP (Rs.crores) 1In Milk Dry Not calved once others Total
80% Breedable Population in milk
GOALS FOR 12 th FIVE YEAR PLAN Year Milk (Lakh MTs) Meat (Lakh MTs) Eggs (Crore Nos) GSDP contribution (Rs Cr) , , , , ,733 POTENTIAL ( ) ,000 PROPOSED GROWTH RATES DURING 12 TH FYP Milk-8% Meat-10% Eggs-5% Overall Growth Rate-8%
POTENTIAL OF LIVESTOCK SECTOR IN A.P. BY THE END OF 13 TH FYP ( ) Aggregate growth potential is about 8% + GSDP contribution potential is around 8.5% Potential can be achieved more depending upon funds & programmes S. No Species No. of Productive Animals (Lakhs)Productivity / Animal (In Kgs) Annual Production Annual Growth rate % (Lakh MTs) PresentPotentialPresentPotentialPresentPotentialPresentPotential 1Cow Milk Buffaloe Milk Buffaloe Meat Sheep Meat Goat Meat Pigs - Pork Poultry meat Poultry - Eggs i.Commercial nos310 nos 1206 Crores 2100 Crores 58 ii.Village nos120 nos 81 Crores 200 Crores 510
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