Promotion of the International Dimension in Higher Education in Lithuania Jolanta Spurgienė Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania
Financial support for visits of foreign teachers Renewal of study programmes to be delivered in foreign languages National system of international practical training and internships for students and teachers Dissemination of information about the Lithuanian HE system Support for third-country nationals Financial support to centres of Lithuanian (Baltic) studies abroad Upgrade of the system of foreign qualifications recognition Joint academic units with foreign universities ERASMUS & other EU programmes Financial support for study of emigrant Lithuanians and foreigners of Lithuanian origin Joint study programmes INTERNATIONALDIMENTION IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Participation in ERASMUS & other EU programmes ERASMUS students
Participation in ERASMUS & other EU programmes ERASMUS teachers and staff
Participation in ERASMUS & other EU programmes ERASMUS programme financing (euro)
Participation in ERASMUS & other EU programmes Eurobarometer (2011) survey Respondents in Lithuania (35%) and Finland (34%) were the most likely to have studied abroad in the framework of an EU funded mobility programme. Data source: Eurobarometer (2011)
Joint degree programmes Currently, there are 8 joint degree programmes running. To finance further development thereof, a total of 18,5 million € have been allocated. By 2016, the national goal is to develop approx. 15 new international joint degree programmes.
Provision in languages other than Lithuanian In 2013, there are 57 Professional Bachelor, 64 Bachelor and 101 Master degree programmes offered in foreign languages, such as English, Russian or Polish. Allocated funds: 2.3 million €.
International students studying for a full degree Over international students study for a full degree in HEI in Lithuania. In the past years, the number of international students coming for a full degree has been growing. The most popular study fields among international students are Business and Administrative studies, Philology, and Medicine. The increase of numbers of international students studying for a full degree in HEI in Lithuania
International students studying for a full degree (II) In Lithuanian HEI, students from a total of 78 countries study for a full degree. The greatest number of incoming students are from Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Israel, and Lebanon. Also, several students at Lithuanian HEI come from South America (Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia), Japan, the Philippines and other remote countries. International students at Lithuanian HEI
Support for third-country nationals admitted to full-time second-cycle study programmes Financial support mechanism approved in April 2011: two types of support: a scholarship and an allowance to cover the cost of study number of scholarships and allowances to be granted approved every year state (states) whose nationals may apply for support determined every year In 2011, support allocated to 6 third-country nationals: scholarships to 3 Azerbaijani students, and a scholarship and an allowance to 3 Ukrainian students. In 2012, support allocated to 11 third-country nationals: scholarships to 3 Azerbaijani and 2 Kazakhstani students, and a scholarship and an allowance to 3 Ukrainian and 3 Belorussian students. In 2013, scholarships will be allocated to 6 students, and a scholarship and an allowance to 7 students. Elligible to apply for scholarships are students from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Kazakhstan, and for a scholarship and an allowance - from Ukraine, Belorussia and Georgia.
Financial support for HEIs to invite teachers from abroad Since 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science renders financial support for HEIs to invite foreign teachers to lecture in Lithuanian HEIs. The duration of a foreign teacher’s visit may last from 2 weeks up to 2 months. Visits of prominent foreign teachers, researchers and artists may be shorter. Selection procedures for rendering support are announced twice a year (in December and May). In 2012, support rendered enabled HEIs to invite 87 foreign teachers. In 2013, financial support rendered enabled HEIs to cover the costs of 75 visits of foreign teachers.
To increase the awareness of Lithuanian Higher Education and recent reforms among universities of other countries; To present Lithuanian Higher Education to potential students in order to encourage them to come and study in Lithuania; To encourage students of Lithuanian higher education institutions to participate in international students exchange programmes. Project “Study in Lithuania”
Draft Action Plan of Internationalisation of Lithuanian Higher Education dialogue among European and Asian countries in the framework of Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) ASEM Ministerial Meetings: ASEMME1, Berlin 2008 ASEMME2, Hanoi 2009 ASEMME3, Copenhagen 2011 ASEMME4, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013 Priority areas discussed at ASEMME3, Copenhagen 2011, and also focused upon at ASEMME4, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013: Quality assurance and recognition Engaging Business and Industry in Education Balanced mobility Lifelong Learning
Draft Action Plan of Internationalisation of Lithuanian Higher Education (II) among the priorities: to attract students from Asian countries; in cooperation with Asian countries, to also make use of EU education cooperation programmes
International agreements for cooperation in HE with Asian countries Agreement for Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (signed and came into force in 1993) Agreement for Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Research and Education between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Republic of India (signed in 2001, came into force in 2005) Agreement for Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Research, Culture and Art between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Mongolia (signed in 2003, came into force in 2007)
International agreements for cooperation in HE with Asian countries (II) Draft Agreement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China on the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education (initiated in 2011)
Asian Studies at Lithuanian HEIs Centre of Oriental Studies established in 1993 at Vilnius university cooperation agreements with 4 Chinese institutions Confucius Institute established in 2012 at Vilnius University on the initiative of VU and a structural unit of the Ministry of Education of China and in cooperation with the Liaoning University of China expansion of the Bachelor programme of sinology delivered for a decade at the Centre of Oriental Studies at VU Centre of Asian Studies at Vytautas Magnus University exchange agreements with 12 Asian universities (3 of them with Taiwan and China) BA programme East Asian Languages and Cultures launched in 2012 at the Faculty of Humanities at VMU MA programme of East Asia Region Studies (EARS) launched in 2007 at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy at VMU Preparations for a joint degree study programme are underway Taiwan Centre established in 2013 at Vytautas Magnus University and managed in close cooperation with the National Chengchi University in Taipei and the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia
Lithuanian language studies at BFSU autumn 2010, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU): a course of the Lithuanian language initiators of the Lithuanian language studies at BFSU: the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in China and the Confucius Institute at Vilnius University each year more than 20 students studying the Lithuanian language at BFSU an opportunity for Chinese students to come to Lithuania to summer courses of the Lithuanian language and culture MES of LT supports the teaching of the Lithuanian language at BFSU through projects: in 2012, a total of 26 thous. LTL have been allocated for the teaching of the Lithuanian language at BFSU.
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