What is the vocab word?! The branch of Biology that studies hereditary information and how it is passed on from parent to offspring Genetics
What does it mean to be homozygous for a trait? The organism is going to have 2 of the same alleles for the trait (ex: TT or tt)
Who is Gregor Mendel? The father of Genetics
What does that law of Independent Assortment say? Genes for 2 traits are separated into cells independently of one another (leading to genetic variation)
What is the vocab word?! These are different forms of a gene for a trait Alleles
What does it mean to be heterozygous for a trait? The organism is going to have 2 different alleles for the trait (ex: Tt)
Name that phenotype! 5 fingers TraitGenotype # of Fingers More than 5 = Dominant 5 = Recessive ff
What is the vocab word?! Characteristics of an organism Traits
Is it possible for 2 organisms to have the same phenotype but different genotypes? If yes, how? Both organisms can show the dominant trait but one is going to be homozygous dominant (HH) and the other is going to be heterozygous (Hh)
What is the vocab word?! Combinations of gene alleles in an individual Genotype
Name that phenotype! Bushy TraitGenotype Eyebrows Bushy = Dominant Fine = Recessive Bb
What three genetic principles resulted from Gregor Mendel misrepresenting his data? Incomplete Dominance Co-Dominance Multiple Alleles
Name that Law! The alleles of a gene occur in pairs which separate during Meiosis and recombine during fertilization Law of Segregation
What would be the phenotype ratio of a cross between the following: G = Green, g = yellow GG x Gg 4 Green
What would be the genotype ratio of a cross between the following: Ff x Ff 1 FF : 2 Ff : 1ff
Name that phenotype! Left over Right TraitGenotype Arm Crossing Left over Right= Dominant Right over Left = Recessive AA
What would be the phenotype ratio of a cross between the following: R = Round, r = wrinkled Rr x Rr 3 Round: 1 Wrinkled
What is the vocab word?! Physical expression of inherited gene alleles Phenotype
What would be the genotype ratio of a cross between the following: pp x Pp 2 Pp : 2 pp
Name that Mutation!! Inversion
What would be the genotype ratio of a cross between the following: 2 individuals who are heterozygous for freckles (use any letter you wish!) 1 FF : 2 Ff : 1ff
What would be the genotype and phenotype ratios of a cross between the following: A white seed plant and a heterozygous brown seed plant 2 Bb : 2 bb 2 brown: 2 white TraitDominantRecessive Seed Coat ColorBrown (B)White (b)
What is the vocab word?! When more than one gene affects the phenotype of a trait Polygenic Inheritance
What would be the genotype and phenotype ratios of a cross between the following mice: A homozygous running, homozygous orange mice and a heterozygous running, white mice 1RROo : 1 RrOo 2 Running Orange Mice TraitDominantRecessive Ability to RunRunning (R)Waltzing (r) Hair colorOrange (O)White (o)
A cross between a pink flower and a pink flower would result in what phenotype ratios of offspring? 1Red: 2 Pink: 1 White
Name that Mutation!! Duplication (Addition)
Colorblindness is a sex-linked disorder. What sex and percentage of the offspring will be colorblind if the parents are: a man who is colorblind and a woman who is a carrier? 25% Female and 25% Male
A true dihybrid cross results in what combination of phenotype ratios? 9:3:3:1
The following pedigree is for Color Blindness. Normal Vision is dominant. What is the genotype of individual “B”? B
Name that Mutation!! Deletion
Name that Law! An organism will only have the recessive trait when the dominant allele for that trait is not present. Law of Dominance
What is the vocab word?! Phenotype that results in offspring that are unlike either parent, but rather a blend of the two. Incomplete Dominance
Name that Mutation!! Translocation
This mutation happens when a section of a chromosome is added to a homologous chromosome Addition
Evaluate this individual for sex and a genetic disorder. Female – Turner’s Syndrome
Define Sex Linked Trait. A trait that is controlled by a gene found on the sex chromosome
Which three events result in increased genetic variation? 1. Crossing Over 2. Mutations 3. Independent Assortment
What genetic principle results in chickens which have both black at white feathers at the same time? Co-Dominance
List all of the chromosomal abnormalities! 1.Crossing Over of y and z on Dad 2.Deletion of T on Mom 3.Duplication of A on Dad 4.Nondisjunction of Chromosome A-E on Dad 5. Inversion of d and e on Mom 6. Translocation of T on Mom