Dagmar Schmalzbauer ATMOS - Austrian Monitoring System
austria wirtschaftsservice 2 Initial Situation in Austria decentralised promotional system public bodies on federal & regional level play an important role, involvement of several bodies on each level centralised coordination & information demands Member State: overall responsibility for SF implementation regional policy: duty of federal & regional level for each EU-programme: several (different) bodies involved small programmes -> requirement low-cost system important for the establishment and maintenance of the system
austria wirtschaftsservice 3
austria wirtschaftsservice 4 Basic Structure of ATMOS Systems one central (modular designed) system central data base server, but local data input data transfer between components via web-services data export to the separate accounting system of PA data import from external systems via data input module or webportal (file upload)
austria wirtschaftsservice 5 Actual situation of implementation ERP-Fund: Monitoring Authority & Operative PA (ERDF) -since 1995: in SF matters involved (monitoring) -since 2000: monitoring & financial management (operative PA) Central MO-System -> sole data base for EC’s demand
austria wirtschaftsservice 6 General Requirements establishment of a programme related monitoring system special demands of the different types of EU-programmes (17) and funds had to be taken into account (ETC, Reg.Dev., Conv. – ERDF, ESF) one system including all single project data no allowance of data input on aggregated level (ERDF projects, ESF: projects) one system (centralised) for MA, CA/PA and AA one centralised system with possibility of data input (import) from decentralised systems
austria wirtschaftsservice 7 beside implementation of all EU-requirements, fulfilment of national demands in relation to: -number & content of data fields, -implementation reports, n+2-monitoring -Evaluation -financial management, statement of expenditure -Audits -spec. information for the political level -publicity demands -export to SFC (database of EC), …
austria wirtschaftsservice 8 unique identification of each project (project code) -all information of a single project is linked to it -automatically given by the system at first data entry assurance of high data quality -completeness of information -logical correctness of data -integration of several automatic checks and loopbacks -KO-criteria have to be met, otherwise no data release possible user-friendliness -to ensure high data quality -to support the communication between the partners
austria wirtschaftsservice 9 reports according to several aggregation levels classification in:-programme structure (priorities, measures,…) - intermediate bodies, co-financing instruments -project-life-cycle (approvals, payments, status) -regions, -EU-codes, indicators,... support for steering programme implementation esp. via target performance comparisons -programme level (per measure, intermediate body, …) -single project level (approval, commitment, expenditure, …) -n+2-rule -forecasts
austria wirtschaftsservice 10 Special Requirements reflection of project-life-cycle -> by view application, selection, approval, contract, project closure statement of expenditure, payments,, recovery, repayment
austria wirtschaftsservice 11 Special Requirements reflection of project-life-cycle by status
austria wirtschaftsservice 12 Special Requirements realisation of lead-partner-principle – ETC with detailed information for all partner projects multi-lingual-system – ETC
austria wirtschaftsservice 13 Special Requirements traceability of changes data-history, reporting concerning historical deadlines/periods Security: - central user management - each access is logged
austria wirtschaftsservice 14 document archive & information platform / document management system (DMS) for general and project related documents, accessible via Internet
austria wirtschaftsservice 15 reporting tool for reports (with filter possibilities e.g. historical data, payment request related data, comparison), accessible via Internet
austria wirtschaftsservice 16 user- and security management role based user management – reading, writing, releasing; flexible adjustment possible in relation to modules and user’s tasks e-application form (ETC programmes) starting with the idea up to the official application and decision
austria wirtschaftsservice 17 Experience for team for establishing an EU-Monitoring-System ensure the involvement of experienced content-related people, beside IT-experts and professional project management content of the system (incl. work-flow,…) to ensure a better acceptance of the demands: - involvement of MA, IB, CA (and AA, partly) - formal agreement by MA + IB + CA (good experience) - decision before starting (!!) with programming & programme implementation
austria wirtschaftsservice 18 think about user-friendliness in relation to -how to handle the system -content & interpretation of definition for the data fields regularly informal exchange of experience -esp. between key programme-partners (MA, CA) DMS: supports the communication between partners (MA, IB) during project- life-cycle -documents may be stored (contract, FLC-report,…) -all users may have access to them -data import from some documents (e.g. application form)
austria wirtschaftsservice 19 task of a Central Monitoring Authority beside maintenance of IT-system: -training & consultancy of system users (esp. IB) -plausibility checks of data quality & completeness stability of personal (esp. key persons) avoid changes of system’s structure & content during programme-period
austria wirtschaftsservice 20 Contact Austria Wirtschaftsservice | ERP-Fonds Department of EU-Affairs / Consulting 1030 Vienna Ungargasse 37 phone: +43 (1) fax: +43 (1) – / web: Elfriede Kober phone: +43 (1) Dagmar Schmalzbauer phone: +43 (1)