Green2015 An Action Plan for 500 New Acres
access to parks (source: WRT)
public green space
parks as green infrastructure [economic, envt, social, quality of life, public health]
Rowhouse 600 sf 1.37% of an acre 1 acre 43, 560 sf City block 4.6 acres Jefferson Square 4 acres scale
2 nd to 22 nd Street, Market to Spruce scale
in your neighborhood
current trends
21 st century parks
what we have learned to date The top citywide priorities that emerged from GreenPlan are: Enhance Transportation Infrastructure Enhance Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plant More Trees Provide New Open Space (for different types of recreational use) Improve Sanitation Services Improve Maintenance of Open Space Improve Riverfronts and Access Improve Policing and Enforce Laws Improve Lighting Change Planning Policies on New Development
Share a memorable natural setting experience. What role does green space play in your community or neighborhood? What role could it play in your community? What will support that role in the future? instructions for small groups
Listen to each other – it’s as important as talking. Talk to each other not the moderator. The moderator will guide the deliberations, yet remain impartial. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Speak your mind freely, and invite others to speak as well. Everyone understands the talk is deliberative rather than argumentative. Ask clarifying questions. Help to develop one another’s ideas. Explore disagreement. Search for common ground. ground rules
Green2015 An Action Plan for 500 New Acres