Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA1 Highlights from HERA Vladimir Chekelian (MPI for Physics, Munich) ep 27.6 GeV 920 GeV s = 319 GeV HERA performance Structure functions/PDFs Strong coupling s, jets Heavy flavour production Diffr. & QCD factorisation J/ DVCS / GPDs Searches for new physics Summary & Outlook
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA2 HERA II performance - longitudinally polarised e beam in the colliding experiments natural transverse polarisation (Sokolov-Ternov effect) + spin rotators typically P e ~40% build-up time ~30min HERA II: - detectors and luminosity upgrade data taking till mid 2007: ~O(0.7) fb -1 per experiment in total - e + p e - p HERA I: 100 pb pb -1 HERA II: 50 pb pb -1
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA3 The first results from HERA II - linear dependence is firmly established both for e + and e - - in agreement with SM - extrapolation to P e =-1 (e + p): extrapolations to P e =-1,+1 test the absence of right-handed weak current weak CC is pure left-handed (V-A): P e =(N R -N L )/(N R +N L ) -> consistent with zero CC total cross section using longitudinally polarised e + and e -
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA4 HERA: the QCD machine … The most dramatic of these (experimental consequences), that protons viewed at ever higher resolution would appear more and more as field energy (soft glue), was only clearly verified at HERA twenty years later. … 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics for the Discovery of Asymptotic Freedom David Gross, David Politzer, Frank Wilczek Frank Wilczek:
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA5 Study of the Nucleon Structure at HERA fixed target exps LHC TeVatron HERA -> full HERA x range is needed for LHC Partonic structure Spin structure polarised target and beam (HERMES)
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA6 Precise SF data from HERA rich possibilities to determine pdfs, test QCD (DGLAP, BFKL, …), transition from DIS to p, … precision data 2-3% 5 decades in x 5 decades in Q 2
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA7 Low x at HERA direct F L measurements not done at HERA (yet) low proton beam energy running Rise of F 2 towards low x Longitudinal SF F L (x,Q 2 ) change of behavior at Q 2 1 GeV 2 = 0.08
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA8 NC and CC at High Q 2 Neutral Current e±pe±p Charged Current Probe proton: quarks are pointlike down to 1/1000 of the proton radius r < m EW component of SM: NC CC at Q 2 M Z 2,M W 2 -> electro-weak unification high x & high Q 2 : -> unfold different quark flavours
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA9 NC at high x & xF 3 e- e- e+ e+ xF 3 constrains u v,d v at high x mostly due to Z interference : sensitive to EW param. & polarisation xF 3
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA10 NC at highest x - make use of E jet, J jet and events without jets (lost in the beam pipe) to access high x - both for e + p and e - p - good agreement with CTEQ6D - input to PDF fits at high x e+p e+p -> highest x point is an integrated cross section up to x=1
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA11 Charged Currents & flavour separation The CC e p cross section - dominated by d quark The CC e p cross section - dominated by u quark - constrain d (u) quark density - free of nuclear corrections and isospin assumptions - reduced CC cross section e-p e+p e-p e+p
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA12 Towards the combined HERA SF data Aim: average the H1 and ZEUS published SF data in the theory free manner service to HEP community - unique HERA data set - proper treatment of correlations between different data sets cross checks of systematics: H1 vs. ZEUS A. Glazov averaged F2F2 F2F2 Q 2 =12 GeV 2 Q 2 =3000 GeV 2
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA13 PDFs from HERA H1: NC+CC ZEUS: NC+CC & jets treatment of systematics, parameterisations forms and other details are subject to conventions PDFs from the H1, ZEUS and global fits are in agreement Gluon: - dominant at low x - Note: the scale for xg distr. is 10 times larger scaling violations - xg is not an observable - at Q 2 of few GeV 2 gluon becomes valence-like jets, heavy flavours, F L (x,Q 2 ) - directly sensitive to xg - jets constrain xg at x ~ F L can pin down xg at low x Parton distributions (NLO): unfolded using the HERA e p data only
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA14 Light Quark Couplings to Z first coherent EW+PDF analysis at HERA (NC+CC data) TeVatron: qq ee Drell-Yan, A FB LEP: ee qq( ) (a 2 q +v 2 q ) a q,v q - more sensitive to u (pdfs) - compatible precision with the TeVatron - helps to resolve LEP ambiguities u d
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA15 ZEUS NLO QCD fit (inclusive & jets) dijets in direct p PDFs Gluon uncertainty (with/wo jets) Strong coupling: Include jets in direct p and DIS into QCD fit Boson Gluon Fusion : depends on xg(x) constrain gluon at medium & high x ( ) QCD-Compton : depends on q(x) and s BGFQCDC
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA16 s from jets in DIS Inclusive jets in the Breit frame Multi jets in the Breit frame (R 3/2 )
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA17 Summary for Strong Coupling at HERA HERA s results - small experimental error ~1% - theory error dominates (NLO) - call for NNLO C. Glasman Running of s incl. DIS {
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA18 Charm Production Fractional rates of charmed hadrons Fractional momentum of D* from c-quark HERA ep results are consistent with e + e - measurements supporting universality of fragmentation -> dominated by Boson Gluon Fusion (BGF) -> resolved photon play important role in p direct resolved p/ g PDFs ( pQCD ( Fragmentation Perturbative QCD: - hard scale m c 2. - multi-scale problem m c 2, Q 2, p t 2 PDFs: - directly sensitive to xg - photon structure Fragmentation:
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA19 Charm Structure Function F 2 cc (x,Q 2 ) charm contribution up to 25-30% consistent with gluon from scaling violations scaling violations of F 2 cc are increasing with decreasing of x (similarly to F 2 )
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA20 Beauty identification techniques p t rel HERA II - transverse momentum and impact parameter Two-quark correlations D* , (Q, m, ) Inclusive lifetime tag - heavy mass - long lifetime - decay channels ( ,D) - production (correlations) - all tracks with p t > 500 MeV - subtract the contents of negative bins - both c and b are defined from the fit - small extrapolation to the full phase space (resolution + secondary vertices) (due to resolution only) r-φ plane
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA21 Beauty Structure Function F 2 bb (x,Q 2 ) measured for the first time compared with NLO and NNLO inclusive lifetime tag F 2 bb - charm roughly constant ~ 24% - beauty changes from ~ 0.3% to ~ 3% Cross section fractions f cc f bb
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA22 Summary for beauty at HERA HERA colliding experiments - NLO is consistent both with DIS and p data (although systematically higher) Data/NLO HERA-B - close to kinematic threshould - old and new results are compatible within 1.5 pA bbX
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA23 Inclusive Diffraction & DPDFs DPDFs from F 2 D : -> predictions for diffr. final states (D*, jets) tests of QCD factorisation in diffraction Mx (ZEUS) ( from HERA-LHC workshop) - QCD factorisation - Regge factorisation
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA24 Diffractive dijets in DIS - NLO using H fit agrees with data indicating validity of QCD factorisation - sensitivity to the choice of DPDFs - better understanding of DPDFs is needed -> low GLP predictions due to small gluon at large z
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA25 Diffr. dijets in photoproduction - NLO strongly depends on choice of DPDFs - using H DPDFs - dijets in DIS support QCD factorisation - in p QCD factorisation is broken by factor of 2 independent of x H1 dijets/NLO: DIS & p ZEUS dijets in p - data/NLO flat in x - global suppression by ~0.6 NLO from Klasen, Kramer
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA26 Diffractive D* in DIS - NLO using H fit agrees with data indicating validity of QCD factorisation - sensitivity to the choice of DPDFs agreement of H1 and ZEUS data (corrected for difference in phase space)
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA27 Tests of QCD factorisation in diffr. - Summary diffr. D* in p using DPDFs from H fit Summary for DIS : - diff. dijets data/NLO ~ 1 - diff. D* data/NLO ~ 1 Summary for p : - diffr. dijets data/NLO ~ 0.6 (independent of x g ) - diffr. D* data/NLO ~ 1 - direct p contr. ~80% - NLO agrees with diffr. D* in p
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA28 Elastic J/ production and gluon density - two gluons are involved : ~ g(x) 2 - gluon at low x and low Q 2 - progress on the theory side (e.g. MRT) -> high sensitivity in input gluon
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA29 Deep Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) DVCS - fully calculable in pQCD - first t slope measurements allow absolute theoretical predictions - in agreement with NLO QCD prediction,based on GPD model without intrinsic skewing - constraints on gluon and sea GPDs NLO Freund & Mc-Dermott :
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA30 DVCS in HERMES & GPDs HERMES: interference between DVCS and Bethe-Heitler DVCS asymmetries: Recoil detector (2006/2007) - detection of recoil proton - background free DVCS (bkg ~5% -> < 1%) Transverse Target-Spin Asymmetry will allow the first determination of J u through certain GPD models Ji’s Sum Rule: Generalised Parton Distributions (GPDs)
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA31 + search at HERA ZEUS M=1521 1.5 3 MeV 4.6 s effect - Q 2 > 20 GeV 2 - both in - predominantly in the forward direction HERMES (pK s 0 ) M=1527 2.3(sta) MeV ~4 s effect no signal in H1 - limits at 95% CL - for Q 2 >20 GeV 2 : s < pb (ZEUS s ~120 pb) HERA-B (pK s 0 ) NO YES limits at 95% CL:
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA32 Charmed pentaquark H1 observed D*p(3100) - suppression at central rapidity - D*p fragm. is hard (similar to incl. D*) - D* from D*p softer than incl. D* YES NO ZEUS - no evidence for a signal at 3100 MeV - in the phase space similar to H1: R corr (D*p/D*) < 0.59% at 95% CL (K ppp)p s compared to H1: R corr (D*p/D*) = (1.59 )% -> still incompatible not confirmed (so far) by other experiments DIS M=3099 3 5 MeV 5.4 s
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA33 Isolated leptons with P T miss at HERA H1 e + p, e - p HERA I (118 pb -1 )HERA I+II ( 211 pb -1 ) e e (prel) (prel) All P T X 11/ / /20.4 9/5.4 P T X > 25 GeV 5/1.76 6/ /3.2 6/3.2 e, , Double lumi: e - excess persists at HERA II - excess comes only from HERA I
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA34 Isolated leptons with P T miss at HERA H e + p (158 pb -1 ) e - p ( 53 pb -1 ) e (prel) (prel) e (prel) (prel) All P T X 19/14.6 9/3.9 6/5.8 0/1.5 P T X > 25 GeV 9/2.3 6/2.3 2/0.9 0/0.9 e, , ZEUS e + p (106 pb -1 ) P T X > 25 GeV 1/1.50 H1 e + p: excess over SM both in e and channels no excess in e - p data ZEUS in agreement with SM channel ( P T X > 25 GeV ) ZEUS (130 pb -1 ) 2 / 0.20 H1 (108 pb -1 ) 0 / 0.53
Theory Workshop 29 September 2005 V.Chekelian, Highlights from HERA35 Rich physics output from HERA: - centered around QCD, but also EW, searches, … - key word - precision - investigate implications of QCD (evolution, scales, …) - provide information essential for future LHC collider, see HERA-LHC workshop: - very often data are more precise than theory - theory should catch up (and it happens, e.g. NNLO in DIS) HERA II : - lumi is a main issue !!! ~ O(0.7fb -1 ) per experiment in total: explore new detectors, clarify isolated leptons, pdfs, HF, F L, … - less than 2 years of running time left (till mid of 2007) Summary & Outlook