Expository Preaching 1 PM103
Where do we begin our study of Homiletics? I have done a lot of preaching. Some of it was good. Enough of it was forgettable. Expository Preaching was a choice. Is Expository Preaching passé? Are there other viable options?
Lost influence by pastors Image of pastors has eroded Overshadowed by a sophisticated communication society Authoritative message has been lost Social action prevails over listening
Building a case for Preaching By faithful conviction we take the Bible seriously Rom 1.15 “I am eager to preach the gospel to you…” preaching is powerful 1 Pet 1.25 “the good news which was preached to you” redemption via preaching 2 Tim 4.2 “preach the word”
The need for Expository Preaching Temptations to speak aside from the Bible “when a preacher fails to preach the Scriptures, he abandons his authority.” EP is about God’s truth applied to lives today EP has set backs
Definition of Expository Preaching “Expository preaching is the communication of a biblical concept, derived from and transmitted through a historical, grammatical and literary study of a passage in its context, which the Holy Spirit first applies to the personality and experience of the preacher, then through him to his hearers.”
Definition priority “The thought of the biblical writer determines the substance of an expository sermon.” Put God’s truth into modern lives with the spoken word. Key is “source”. Where did the idea originate?
Expository Preaching is a Philosophy Not a method but a value Purity in purpose Choice: Bend thoughts to match Scripture? Use Scriptures to support thoughts? Willing to allow God to change you.
It is all about the concept Words need context to communicate meaning What did the Holy Spirit want the Biblical writers mean?
Derived from the text Text is both the source and means of transfer Authority resides in text not in preacher Must explain Scripture convincingly Strive for firsthand acquaintance with biblical writers
Concept Applied to Expositor Applied to life of Preacher first Message and messenger are one Live then proclaim “Regrettably, may preachers fail as Christians before they fail as preachers because they do not think biblically.”
Apply to the Hearers Three levels Exegete Man of God Preacher Application gives preaching purpose Two complaints: “same ol’ thing” Not practical
Sermons Must Make a Difference in Today’s World Forget about speaking to the ages Speak to this day Address the people not history God addresses people as they are, where they are
Effective Application Both theology and ethics How do people relate to each other? How do people relate to God? What are the values behind our choices? Do we know the questions people are asking?
The End