Conditions of service : This expression includes rules relating to salary or wages of a Govt. employee including subsistence allowance during suspension.


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Presentation transcript:

Conditions of service : This expression includes rules relating to salary or wages of a Govt. employee including subsistence allowance during suspension and contribution to provident fund, leave, joining time and dismissal of Govt. servant and also foreign service. Compensatory Allowance : An allowance granted in consideration of personal expenditure or loss of amenities necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed. Travelling Allowance is also a type of compensatory allowance for which separate rules have been framed.

Foreign service : Service in which a Govt. servant received his pay with the sanction of Govt., from any source other than the consolidated fund of India or the State. Joining time : The time allowed to a Govt. servant in which to join a new post or to proceed to the place of training or return from it to the station to which he is posted. Leave salary : The monthly amount paid by Govt. a Govt. servant on leave.

Lien : The title or right of a Govt. servant to hold substantively a permanent post including a tenure post to which he is appointed substantively. (A) Acquisition of lien :- When a Govt. servant is appointed substantively against a permanent post acquires a lien over that and ceases to hold the lien when he is again appointed substantively against any other permanent post.

(B)Retention of lien :- A Govt. servant can retain lien under the following circumstances : (i)While he performs the duties of the post in which he has been confirmed. (ii)While on leave other than leave allowed after retirement (refused leave). (iii)While on foreign service. (iv)While under suspension. (v)During joining time. (vi)While officiating in another temporary or permanent post. (vii)While holding substantively a tenure post.

(C)Suspension of lien :- A lien can be suspended when a Govt. servant is :- (i)Appointed to a tenure post. (ii) Appointed to a post outside his cadre where he is likely to continue for more than 3 years. (D)Revival of lien :- The lien can be revived as soon as the Govt. servant reverts to his permanent post or cadre.

(E)Termination of lien :- Lien can be terminated when a Govt. servant acquires lien in another post. It can be terminated on the request of the Govt. servant unless he acquires a lien in another post. Probationer : It means a Govt. servant employed on probation in or against a substantive vacancy in the cadre of a Department. Subsistence grant or subsistence allowance : A monthly grant or allowance made to a Govt. servant who is not in receipt of pay or leave salary.

Time Scale of Pay : Pay which rises by periodical increments from a minimum to a maximum. The scales are said to be identical if the minimum, the maximum, the periodical increments and rates of increment of the time scales are identical.

It is broadly divided into 5 divisions such as general condition of service, pay fixation, leave, joining time and deputation on foreign service and to other Governments. (A )– General conditions of service

(B) – Pay fixation : It is a complicated chapter and the Orissa Service Code does not reflect all procedures and rules in respect of pay fixation. A large number of circulars and orders have been issued by the Govt. in the Finance Deptt. for guidance, Orissa Revised Scales of Pay Rules have separately been issued from time to time. But whatever rules or orders have been issued they are within the frame work of the general conditions laid down in the Orissa Service code. Clarification or doubts if any can be discussed.

(C)Leave (Salient Features) : 1.Leave can not be claimed as a matter of right. 2.No leave is admissible during the period of suspension. 3.No leave is admissible from the date the competent authority decides to punish a Govt. servant by dismissing, removing or compulsorily retiring from Govt. service. 4.The applications for leave preparatory to retirement should ordinarily be allowed. 5.If leave is applied for at short intervals, on the grounds of health, it should be refused except on production of medical certificate.

6. When a Govt. servant is permitted under rule 139 to continue leave with vacation, his leave begins or ends on the day on which it would have begun or ended if it had not been continued with vacation. 7. A subordinate Judge or Munsif may prefix to his leave local holidays notified by the High Court, if he proceeds on leave from a station where such holidays are observed and he may suffix to his leave or joining time local holidays notified by the High Court, if he returns to a station where such holidays are observed.

8. A Govt. servant will not be permitted to affix holidays to his leave or joining time except when no substitute has been appointed during the leave or he has not to relieve another Govt. servant on the expiry of his joining time. (D) - Joining time : It is the time allowed to Govt. servants after handing over charge of a post and before taking over charge of another post or to join any training and return from such training.

E. Deputation to foreign service and other Govts : The broad principles followed are indicated below: 1. No Govt. servant should be deputed against his will unless he is liable by the term of his appointment but no consent is necessary for deputation to bodies like Corporations, Boards, aided institutions, Co- operative Societies etc. which are owned, controlled, aided or financed by Govt. 2. Deputation is not permissible if the nature of duties differ. 3. Sanction of Govt. will be necessary for deputation on foreign service and to other Govts.

4. Govt. servants on deputation shall remain in his own cadre under the State Govt. and eligible for promotion when his chance comes. 5. Leave should be sanctioned by the borrowing Govt. on the basis of the leave rules applicable to his cadre under the parent Govt. If the deputation is outside India, the leave may be granted by the foreign employer on such condition as it thinks fit or the State Govt. may determine before-hand the conditions for grant of leave in consultation with the foreign employer. The leave should not be debited to the leave account of the Govt. servant.

6. A Govt. servant after returning from foreign service or deputation to the service under his parent Govt. is deemed to be in Govt. service from the date he takes over charge in the post of his cadre. 7. Contribution towards the cost of pension and leave salary will have to be paid by the Govt. servant if the foreign employer does not agree for the payment of the same.

8. For deputation to other Govts. In India, no such contribution need be paid but the pension and gratuity of the Govt. servant will be apportioned between the borrowing Govt. and Govt. of Orissa on the basis of length of service rendered under each. 9. The term granted to the Govt. servant shall not be so greatly in excess than that is admissible under the State Govt. so as to make the foreign service more attractive. But a Govt. servant may stay on deputation at a time for a period of 6 years.

10. Travelling allowance of the Govt. servant in joining time should be paid by the borrowing Govt. 11. The increase or decrease in the pay of the Govt. servant shall be intimated to the foreign employer by the State Govt. from time to time.

1. A Service Book has been prescribed in a form for both the gazetted and non-gazetted officer by Govt. in consultation with the Accountant General. 2. Service Book should be maintained for all Govt. servants either temporary or permanent beginning from his first appointment and should be kept in the custody of the head of office.

3. Every step in the Govt. servant’s official duty i.e. sanction of increment, efficiency bar, promotions, reversions, pay fixation, leave, suspension, re- instatement etc. must be recorded in the service book and entries attested by the officer in charge of establishment. 4. It is the duty of the Govt. servant to see that his Service Book is properly and correctly maintained before signing in the column prescribed for the signature of the Govt. servant. 5. The Service Book should be maintained in English in which the particulars should be recorded.