Why Do People Take Drugs?
Boredom? Boredom? Friends? Friends? Depressed? Depressed? Need Energy? Need Energy? Curious? Curious? To be cool? To be cool? To have more fun? To have more fun?
Gateway Drugs Gateway Drugs Are ‘beginner’ drugs – because they ‘open the gate’ to drug use: Are ‘beginner’ drugs – because they ‘open the gate’ to drug use: Cigarettes (nicotine) Alcohol (coolers, beer & wine) Prescription drugs (abused) Inhalants (aerosol, gas, glue etc.) Marijuana
Gateway Drugs Are: Not illegal to buy Not illegal to buy Easy to get Easy to get Seem harmless Seem harmless Highly addictive Highly addictive Popular among young people Popular among young people
Social drinking – having one or two drinks to celebrate an occasion or enjoy a meal or party is not the same as Binge drinking – ingesting a lot of alcohol quickly because to want to get ‘drunk’ or prove to others that you’re cool or strong
People sometimes drink too much alcohol because they think some drinks, like beer and wine, are ‘weaker’ than ‘hard’ liquor or sweetened ‘mixed’ drinks. Actually, each drink you see contains the same amount of alcohol (in different concentrations).
Did You Know ? Alcohol addiction runs in families Alcohol addiction runs in families Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs It is illegal to share your prescription drugs It is illegal to share your prescription drugs The ‘vapors’ inhaled from aerosol, glue & gas cause instant brain damage The ‘vapors’ inhaled from aerosol, glue & gas cause instant brain damage Marijuana smoking is more dangerous to lungs, mouth and throat than cigarette smoking – and can also cause depression Marijuana smoking is more dangerous to lungs, mouth and throat than cigarette smoking – and can also cause depression
3 Types of Drugs Stimulants: speed up the brain & nervous system and intensify emotions Stimulants: speed up the brain & nervous system and intensify emotions Depressants : slow down the brain & nervous system and calm emotions Depressants : slow down the brain & nervous system and calm emotions Hallucinogens: distort the brain’s perception of sight, sound and touch. Emotions are also altered or distorted Hallucinogens: distort the brain’s perception of sight, sound and touch. Emotions are also altered or distorted
2 Kinds of Addiction: Physical Addiction – the user’s body becomes dependent on the presence of the drug. Nervous system and organs won’t function properly without the drug. Physical Addiction – the user’s body becomes dependent on the presence of the drug. Nervous system and organs won’t function properly without the drug. Psychological Addiction: the user’s body still functions, but removing the drug from the brain creates a ‘down’, depressed or panicky mood. Psychological Addiction: the user’s body still functions, but removing the drug from the brain creates a ‘down’, depressed or panicky mood.
Excess use of alcohol creates both physical & psychological addiction. Use of marijuana Use of marijuana creates mostly brain & mood (psychological) addictions – while also creates mostly brain & mood (psychological) addictions – while also affecting memory. affecting memory.
“Hard” drugs are the “Hard” drugs are the ones that produce ones that produce the most powerful addictions. A ‘gateway’ drug is no longer as effective, so users ‘graduate’ to taking harder ones like:
Hard Drugs Hard Drugs Speed, methamphetamine, crystal meth, cocaine, crack cocaine, opium, morphine & heroin – all cause physical addictions which often end in death. Speed, methamphetamine, crystal meth, cocaine, crack cocaine, opium, morphine & heroin – all cause physical addictions which often end in death.
Research Topics: Alcohol Alcohol Marijuana Marijuana Hashish Hashish Ecstasy Ecstasy LSD LSD PCP PCP GHB GHB Ketamine Ketamine Rohypnol Rohypnol Magic Mushrooms Magic Mushrooms Cocaine Cocaine Crack Cocaine Crack Cocaine Opium Opium Methamphetamine Methamphetamine Speed Speed Heroin Heroin Inhalants Inhalants Mescaline Mescaline Bath Salts Bath Salts
Student Report Includes: Cover Page (Drug name, a colored picture, student names & class number) Cover Page (Drug name, a colored picture, student names & class number) Illustrated Text (max. 3 pages, min. one colored illustration per page) Illustrated Text (max. 3 pages, min. one colored illustration per page) Separate Paragraphs (topics include street or slang names for the drug, drug’s main ingredients, what it looks like, how the drug is used, immediate effects, and the drug’s possible after-effects) Separate Paragraphs (topics include street or slang names for the drug, drug’s main ingredients, what it looks like, how the drug is used, immediate effects, and the drug’s possible after-effects) Bibliography Bibliography
Oral Presentation Oral Presentation A class Forum: presentation max. 4 minutes. A class Forum: presentation max. 4 minutes. Students are credited for ‘dialogue’ by speaking, listening and asking questions. Students are credited for ‘dialogue’ by speaking, listening and asking questions. Evaluation is shared for the typed report, but individual for ‘dialogue. Evaluation is shared for the typed report, but individual for ‘dialogue.