The Open Meeting Law provides: “All meetings of a governing body of a public agency shall be open to the public and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting except as otherwise provided by this act.... Regular Meetings: Post notice 5 calendar days in advance Post meeting agenda 8 hours in advance Ordinance for cities or counties Written minutes must be available to public
Special / Executive Meetings: 24-hour notice Include statutory authority for executive session- only meeting Emergency Meetings: Requires good faith effort to notify governing board members and media if requested
Use Parliamentary Procedure - Robert’s Rules of Order Organized and clear agenda Chairman training Time management-stick to schedule Don’t let one person to monopolize conversation Consider banning electronics or other distractions Consider attendees when planning meetings agenda and last meeting minutes and anything applicable for next meeting.
Use code of ethics Avoid conflict of interest To make informed decisions don’t be afraid to ask opinions and do research before voting
A meeting or part of a meeting that is closed to any persons for deliberation on certain matters When consider hiring, dismissing, or disciplining employees Employee evaluations Communicate with legal counsel or insurance provider Any final decision or action is public
A good practice to follow with controversial projects, large scale, or multi stock holder projects Public meetings are required for legislative changes Creating new or abolishing conservation districts, altering district boundries, etc.