SPRING 2012 A-Level Psychology A Preparing for the A2 Examinations
General Issues and Exam Technique
Features of A2 assessment At A2 there is less credit for knowledge and understanding and more for analysis, evaluation and application PSYA3 24 AO1 48 AO2/AO3 PSYA4 19 AO1 64 AO2/AO3 Total A243 AO1 112 AO2/AO3
If a question on the paper involves both AO1 and AO2/3 e.g. Discuss ….. Or Outline and evaluate …… The weighting of marks will be shown thus (4 marks + 16 marks). The first marks are AO1 and the second are the AO2/3 marks QWC is assessed in the AO2/3 bands for each topic Examiners will not export material for credit in other questions Both A2 units are synoptic Features of A2 assessment
Synopticity Thinking like a psychologist and understanding how science works The implications of different explanations or approaches, biological, behavioural, cognitive, psychodynamic etc Ethical issues and socially sensitive research
Different research methods used and their implications for the reliability and validity of research findings and theory based on those findings Debates, such as nature-nurture, free will and determinism, reductionism, psychology as a science Issues such as reliability, validity, demand characteristics, participant reactivity, cultural biases and gender biases Synopticity
Exam conventions Candidates must follow instructions on the front of the exam paper. They must: write in black not blue number their answers correctly indicate if they continue an answer elsewhere in the booklet leave at least two lines between answers to different questions write legibly not write in margins
Exam Technique: check list for candidates Read the question carefully Take time to think about the specific requirements of each question.Injunction Topic Qualifiers Number of marks/time allowed to answer the question
Exam Technique: check list for candidates Plan what to write (content and sequence) Select the most relevant information, shape knowledge to the question requirements and make the relevance explicit Demonstrate effective evaluative and application skills. Make sure there is a logical line of argument or reasoned evaluation Write accurate and concise answers
Improving examination performance
Central to performance improvement is the perception by the learner of a gap between his or her present state and the specification requirements Preparing for the exam is about closing the gap The gap can be defined in terms of o Knowledge of content o Understanding o Skills
Improving examination performance When it comes to preparing for exams, unfortunately most students see the gap only in terms of the content knowledge and spend disproportionate time on rote learning at the expense of skill development
The Teacher’s Role The teacher needs to Ensure that all aspects of the topic options selected have been covered (content and skills) Provide regular opportunities for students to practice timed exam questions and if possible two authentic mock exams
Provide clear explicit feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of student work (content and skills) and require students to take action based on the feedback Devote revision time to skill development Cultivate ownership of knowledge and thinking like a psychologist The Teacher’s Role
The Students’ Role The student needs to Take action in response to feedback Take ownership of knowledge. Replace rote learning with understanding and putting things in their own words Practice skills not just revise information/knowledge Reflect on performance and identify ways they could improve their own work
Focus on PSYA4
The PSYA4 examination is in 3 sections: Section A Psychopathology Candidates answer questions on one disorder. Total 24 of marks Approx time 35 mins Section B Psychology in Action Candidates answer questions on one topic. Total 24 of marks Approx time 35 mins Section C Psychological Research and Scientific Method Candidates answer all questions. Total 35 of marks Approx time 50 mins
Feedback on performance Section C Research Methods Overall performance on this section is improving Main strengths Ability to distinguish qualitative and quantitative Knowledge of reasons for using particular significance tests Ability to design a reasonable investigation
Feedback on performance Section C Research Methods Main weaknesses Writing a clear, hypothesis and operationalising variables Assessing reliability Understanding Type 1 and Type 2 errors/Significance levels Ability to apply knowledge of strengths of lab expt to this study Ability to design an investigation
Activity 1
Improving performance on Section C Research Methods Weaker students need To develop understanding rather than just knowledge Practice applying understanding to unfamiliar material Practice explaining how and why clearly Regular and frequent 1 st hand experience of designing and carrying out research
Improving performance on Section C Research Methods More able students need More demanding tasks to extend their skills and their appreciation of the relative merit of research methods and techniques
Feedback on performance Section B Psychology in Action Common weaknesses Not reading the question Lack of understanding Ineffective use of research findings in evaluation and justification Providing generic explanations
Feedback on performance Section B Psychology in Action Media Poor application of ELM to mobile phone campaign Lack of focus in celebrity stalking question Addictive behaviour Poor application of knowledge of risk factors to Andy’s addiction Failure to focus on reducing addictive behaviour
Feedback on performance Section B Psychology in Action Anomalistic Poor application of knowledge of coincidence to Jo and Frankie Understanding of methodological issues re Ganzfeld not ESP Failure to discuss what research has shown about psychic mediumship
Activity 2
Improving performance Section B Psychology in Action Weaker Students need to Practice reading the stems and questions Practice selecting and shaping material to the question requirements Develop application skills in relation to unfamiliar material
Improving performance on Section B Psychology in Action More able students need to Develop awareness of how the material relates to how science works Ensure they are thinking like psychologists Focus on research methods as they apply to the topic Fine tune application skills
Feedback on performance Section A Psychopathology Common weaknesses Inaccurate knowledge Losing focus on the question Evaluation superficial and not sustained Failure to use outcomes of empirical research in evaluation
Schizophrenia Lack of focus on issues Generic commentary Inaccurate knowledge of diagnosis and classification Depression Superficial outline of explanations little ref to mechanisms/mode of action Lack of ref to empirical evidence Evaluation often generic without ref to depression Feedback on performance Section A Psychopathology
Phobias & OCD Inappropriate therapies (ECT some psychosurgery) Superficial/inaccurate description of therapies Generic evaluation not specific to OCD or phobias Poor or no use of outcomes, evidence, effectiveness and appropriateness Feedback on performance Section A Psychopathology
Activity 3
Improving performance on Section A Psychopathology For weaker students Avoid overloading with too much information, focus on understanding and accurate knowledge Ensure they use research evidence and outcome studies to evaluate explanations and therapies Focus evaluation of therapies on appropriateness and effectiveness
Improving performance on Section A Psychopathology More able students need to Ensure knowledge and understanding are accurate and detailed Develop sensitivity to the inter-relationship between explanations and between therapies Ensure commentary and evaluation is explicitly related to the disorder Shape elaboration of commentary and evaluation to the question requirements
Focus on PSYA3
PSYA3 Examination There will be one or more questions on each of the 8 topics Candidates answer all questions on each topic (30 mins per topic) Question styles are varied, some are assessed by a single essay, others may involve 2 or 3 shorter questions
PSYA3 Examination Questions may cover more than one subtopic Candidates must incorporate and contextualise issues debates and or approaches in their answer to access top bands –there is a reminder of this at the top of the paper The questions for each topic will total 8 AO1 marks +16 AO2/3 marks
PSYA 3 common weaknesses in candidate responses Allocation of time on split questions Failure to answer the question set Poor selection and shaping of material
PSYA3 common weaknesses in candidate responses Failure to use evidence to evaluate theories and explanations Inappropriate use of methodological and ethical criticisms to evaluate theories Lack of understanding of issues and debates reductionism, gender bias, animal research
PSYA3 Activity 4 and Activity 5
Improving performance of weaker candidates on PSYA3 Avoid responding by teaching more, focus more on developing understanding and skills Be selective in the IDA you use in evaluation
Improving performance of weaker candidates on PSYA3 Ensure students - use evidence to evaluate theories - evaluate evidence in terms of applications and implications not just methodology Use structures and activities to develop skills Provide explicit feedback on written work Provide examples of mid range responses to give students a realistic target
Improving higher level performance on PSYA3 Focus on their understanding of how science works and thinking like a psychologist Encourage students to consider the wider implications and application of psychological research Develop understanding of a clear logical line of argument
Improving higher level performance on PSYA3 Encourage students to prioritise Encourage clear, concise style with use of appropriate psychological terminology
Summary of common features of good candidate responses Well focused responses that answer the actual questions set Accurate, reasonably detailed knowledge and understanding of a range of relevant theories, studies, concepts, methods shaped to question requirements Effective use of evidence to evaluate explanations
Summary of common features of good candidate responses Relevant issues, debates and/or approaches were USED effectively in PSYA3 to build the evaluation/commentary Evidence of the ability to apply knowledge of psychology and HSW particularly in PSYA4 Responses were concise, coherent, with a clear line of argument and good examination technique
Further Support AQA websitee-AQA Resource Bank: Resource lists; SoW; activities; Additional question papers & mark schemes Secure Key Materials: Past question papers & mark schemes; marked candidates’ work; past Teacher Support materials Results statisticsERA Information on courses for teachers
AQA Excellence Topic based programmes Feedback and exam preparation Web Conferences On-site support for centres
Key Contacts Psychology Subject Manager: Teacher Support Manager Liz Hey/CPD Manager Emily de la Taste: