What is Goal Free Evaluation? Goal-free evaluation (GFE) refers to an evaluation in which the evaluator intentionally avoids knowledge of and reference to a program’s stated or official goals and objectives. Although several evaluators agree that GFE should be included in the evaluator’s toolbox, there exists little information about whether, how, and when to design and implement GFE. Because of the scarcity of GFE use, this poster examines four GFEs, actually four GFE reports. The hope is that lessons learned from these evaluations and reports may make future GFEs more effective and useful. Method = Case Studies Four technical evaluation reports were reviewed. The evaluations were identified through questioning established evaluation scholars. These report are a sample of actual GFEs which were conducted in evaluating human service and educational programs. The two characteristics of program evaluation emphasized in this examination are as follows: Evaluation Design. An evaluation should follow a clear design in which the evaluation’s method and plan are articulated. Evaluator Expertise. Individuals trained and experienced in evaluation should be involved in the design and implementation of the evaluation. Description of Tables Tables 1 & 2 provide for a contextual understanding of the environment in which the GFEs existed. Table 1 is an overview of the four programs evaluated Table 2 is a review of these programs’ GFEs Tables 3 & 4 provide a description of the two evaluation characteristics of interest in this study. Table 3 is GFE design Table 4 is goal-free evaluator expertise Conclusions When at all possible, GFEs should employ a rigorous experimental or quasi-experimental design. Evaluation practitioners should strengthen GFE’s use of quantitative methods. There is an absence of literature discussing quantitative methods with goal-free program evaluation. This review also identified a couple directions for future GFE scholarship. Because GFE is so rarely employed, significant attention should be given to the credentials and training of goal-free evaluators. There exists a need for improved and more direct assessment of evaluation expertise. There is simply a dearth of literature on GFE in general but particularly in how to conduct it. Those who conduct GFE should publish their methods, experiences, and cases. There is a clear and compelling case for comparative studies on GFE. Future studies comparing the utility of GFE with a GBE model like theory-driven evaluation or comparing qualitative GFE with qualitative GBE are warranted. These four GFE cases serve as reminders that GFE is not simply a rhetorical tool for the cynical evaluator. It has been done and it continues to be practiced. An Assessment of Goal-Free Evaluation: Case Studies of Four Goal-Free Evaluations Brandon Youker, Ph.D, & Lyza Ingraham MSW/MPA Student Grand Valley State University - Grand Rapids, Michigan For further information Please contact: Brandon Youker, Ph.D Grand Valley State University 353C Richard M DeVos Center Grand Rapids, MI Phone: