What is different about 8 th grade? You will be You will be the oldest students on campus!!!
What else is different about 8 th grade? YOU will have more elective choices because: Language Arts only meets for one class period each day. If you passed both 6 th & 7 th grades Physical Activity, you are not required to take Physical Activity in 8 th grade. Therefore, you get two additional elective choices!!!
Middle School Physical Activity Requirement All Texas middle school students are required to successfully complete (pass by receiving a 70 or above) 2 years of Physical Activity prior to going to high school. If you have already completed this requirement you do not “have” to take a physical activity class you do not “have” to take a physical activity class in 8 th grade. in 8 th grade.
Another requirement…………… All Middle School students in Texas are required to take at least 1 year of Fine Arts. Our Fine Art classes are: 1. Art 2. Band 3. Choir 4. Theatre Arts If you haven’t successfully completed a Fine Art in middle school you MUST take one in 8 th grade.
In 8 th grade, you can take classes for High School Credit!!! Accelerated PAP Algebra I- 1 Credit Accelerated Science 8- 1 Credit (Integrated Physics & Chemistry) (Integrated Physics & Chemistry) Reading I- 0.5 Credit per semester Advanced Reading- 0.5 Credit Spanish I or French I or German I or Mandarin Chinese I Credit per semester Principles of Business Marketing and Finance 8 Principles of Human Services- 0.5 Credit AND ……………………….
To fulfill the one Technical Credit required to graduate from high school: Concepts of Engineering and Technology- 0.5 HS Tech Credit Touch Systems Data Entry- 0.5 HS Tech Credit Principles of Art, Audio-Visual Tec, and Communication- 0.5 HS Tech Credit
8 th Grade Academics English Social Studies- US History MathScience
Let’s Talk About Advanced Classes!
Remember……. PAP classes are open to ALL STUDENTS! If you are not already in advanced academic classes, make the year you try one or add another one to your course load!!! All students can perform at rigorous academic levels!
How do I apply for GT classes??? It’s very simple! Come to the Front Office or The Counseling Office to pick up an application. Then, follow the directions on the front page.
Important Reminder: These courses require qualification, application and /or instructor approval. Office Aide YearbookPALS Discoveries/GT Independent Study/Future Problem Solving A.V.I.D. Advanced Art Literacy Achievement English Acquisition
Choose your elective choices very, very carefully! Teachers are hired based on your selections! Changes are possible in May! All elective choices are FINAL on June 1st !
THERE’S A CHANCE WE YOU WILL BE PLACED IN AN ALTERNATE CHOICE… Be sure to write yours on your blue sheet!!!
Pick up GT & electives applications from Mrs. Scott or Mrs. Montes de Oca in the GMS front office. Turn completed applications in to the GMS Front Office by March 21st.
Hints for Course Selection Choose classes that will challenge you. Talk with your teachers for advice on course selection. They know you and course requirements. Map out a schedule for classes, homework, time requirements for extracurricular activities, family time and time with friends.
What about on-line Course Selection? BLUE Course Selection Sheet BLUE Course Selection Sheet With parent signature is still required!!! March 3 rd – March 21 st – On-Line course selection Skyward Log-In information is available from Mrs. Ziegler in the GMS Counseling Office.