Week January Out 18 th Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Week 3
Before: Question of The Day During: PPT Notes on Mars-copy and give students Day 1 notes because we are out for MLK After: Exit slip Week 3 Day 1
Which planets day is longer than its year? Answer: Venus Week 3 Day One Question of The Day
small planet 4 th planet from Sun orbit is mild ellipse or stretched circle named after the Roman god of war year is 687 Earth days day is 24 hr. and 37 min. diameter 6800 km. Can be seen without a telescope—a small rust colored light in the sky Week 3 Day 1 Mars
core of iron thick rock layer above core atmosphere thinner than Earth’s has dust storms and clouds entire planet can be covered by storms and dust at once average temp. -12 degrees C winter can get to -70 degrees C Mars
In winter, the planet has ice caps at the north and south poles like Earth does.Earth caps are made of frozen carbon dioxide, or “dry ice”. has mountains, sandy deserts and many, inactive volcanoes. largest volcano in the solar system- Olympus Moons- over m. tall, much higher than Mount Everest, and is over 965 km. wide at its base. many canyons -Valles Marineris- over 3200 km. long and deep enough to hold a mountain range. Mars
two moons- Phobos and Deimos Moon actually asteroids that got caught in Mars’ gravitational pull Mars
Before: Question of the Day During: PPT notes on Jupiter After Week 3 Day 2
Name the two moons of Mars. Answer: Phobos and Deimos Week 3 Day 2 Question of The Day
5 th planet from the Sun It is called a gas giant because it has no solid ground to land on. The largest planet in our solar system Its orbit is nearly circular. Jupiter was named after the king of the Roman gods. (Greek name Zeus, English name Jove) One year on Jupiter =almost 12 Earth years One day on Jupiter=10 hours Week 3 Day 2 Jupiter
For size comparison, if Earth was a dime….Jupiter would be a soccer ball! Jupiter can be seen without telescope Jupiter is a giant cloud made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Gravity holds this ball of gas together. It does not have surface/solid ground since it is gas. Constant swirling of gas creates wind storms—Great Red Spot. At least 63 known moons; 4 large moons revolving around it. Jupiter
4 largest moons—Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto Io- closest moon to Jupiter. Its colorful orange and yellow surface is caused by volcanoes. Europa is a giant ball of ice. Ganymede, the largest moon, is made up of rocky ice. Callisto is covered with thousands of craters and farthest from Jupiter. Jupiter
Before: Question of The Day During: PPT notes on Saturn After: Exit Slip Week 3 Day 3
What two gasses make up most of Jupiter? Answer: hydrogen and helium Week 3 Day 3 Question of The Day
a gas giant 6 th planet from the Sun Named after the Roman god of agriculture Saturn is the origin, of the word “Saturday” Saturn year=29.5 Earth yr. Saturn day=10 ½ hr. 2 nd largest planet Can be seen without telescope Has faint greenish color Week 3 Day 3 Saturn
mostly hydrogen and helium less dense than Jupiter no solid surface center=liquid hydrogen Has more than 60 moons Saturn’s largest moon isTitan The ONLY moon in the solar system that has a thick atmosphere and clouds. Titan may have liquid water on surface (liquid methane) Saturn
The Rings Very thin seem to disappear when Saturn is viewed from the edge made up of billions of pieces of rock and ice, ranging from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a car. The gaps in Saturn’s rings are caused by the many moons that circle the giant planet. The moons keep the rings lined up. One of the bands in Saturn’s rings is braided, much like a pigtail. Saturn Special Features
Weight weighs very little very light gas planet so light that it could float in water. Saturn Special Feature
Before: Question of The Day During: Review After: Mini-Q Week 3 Day 4