Outer Space by Jennifer Gregory Any region of space beyond limits determined with reference to boundaries of celestial body or system
Outer Space Examples 8 Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) Comets (Haley’s Comet) Galaxies (Milky Way) Asteroids (asteroid belt) Constellations (Leo, Aries, Pieces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini,) Dwarf planet (Pluto) Stars (Sun, Sirius) Moons (Io, Moon)
Stars Definition: massive luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity
Planets Definition: celestial body moving in the sky as distinguished or body of revolving about a star other than the sun. Order of Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.
Jovian and Terrestrial Planets Differences: Terrestrial planets: closer to the sun than Jovian planets Terrestrial planets: compact rocky surface Jovian planets: gas giants Jovian planets are less dense than terrestrial planets Terrestrial planets spin less than the Jovian planets due to the fact that terrestrial planets tend to be less flattened at the poles Terrestrial planets are smaller in planet size than Jovian planets
Mercury Eighth largest planet Closet to the sun Named after Hermes the Greek god No moons No atmosphere Terrestrial planet Surface covered with craters Iron core This planet is often called a morning star. This is because Mercury shines brightly in the early morning just before the sun rises Also evening star for same reason 1 st planet from the Sun
Venus Venus is the second planet from the sun and a close neighbor to the earth. It was named after the Roman Goddess of Beauty. Venus is usually one the brightest objects in the sky, which might be the reason it got its name. It is quite similar to the planet earth mainly in its size and a few other characteristics which is why it is often considered the Earth's twin. However, surface conditions are not nearly the same making it a quite inhospitable environment. Earth gone wrong Greenhouse gas No moons Misunderstood planet Atmosphere thicker than Earth CO2 atmosphere
Earth Only planet with life Greek name was Gaea. Earth was the mother of the mountains, valleys, streams and all other land formations Biggest terrestrial planet Has an atmosphere Has a moon named Luna Made mostly of oceans 3 rd planet from the Sun
Mars God of war and agriculture – Ares Red planet because of red dirt on the planet’s surface March is derived for this planet Two moons: Phobos and Deimos 4 th planet from the Sun Mild temperament is more like the Earth’s Once had rivers, streams, lakes that evaporated
Jupiter 5 th planet from the Sun Named after Zeus or Jove Fourth brightest object in the sky Four moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – Galilean moons Largest planet Stormy planet Great red spot
Saturn 6 th planet from the sun Second largest planet Least dense of the planets Root of the English word Saturday Named after Cornus Greek god of agriculture Most well-known for its rings Moons: Titan, Atlas, Calypso
Uranus 7 th planet from the Sun Third largest planet 23.5 tilt on axis Ice giant Made of rock and ice Change direction of planetary rotation Has rings Has moon: Miranda, Oberon, and Cordelia
Neptune 8 th planet from the Sun Fourth largest Neptune named for god of Sea- Poseidon Smallest of the gas giants Atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, and methane Great Dark Spot Blue planet Has rings Has moons: Triton
Solar System Video Part One Part Two Part Three
Constellations Definition: any of various groups of stars to which definite names have been given Named of patterns of stars Grouping or relative position of the stars as supposed to influence events, especially at a person’s birth like zodiacs
Asteroids Definition: any of the thousand small bodies Asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter Large rock in outer space Some, like Ceres, can be very large, while others are as small as a grain of sand. Due to their smaller size, asteroids do not have enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a ball. Astronomers group asteroids into different categories based on the way they reflect sunlight. left over materials from the formation of the Solar System.
Comets Definition: a celestial body moving about the sun; consisting of a central mass surrounded by an envelope of dust and gas that may form a tail that streams away from the sun From the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud Made of ice and dust
Galaxies Definition: a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space Milky Way: spiral galaxy Travels through intergalactic space Home to Earth
Dwarf Planet Definition: any celestial body within solar system that is large than a satellite but smaller than a planet and that orbits the sun
Why Pluto Not A Planet