Common Needs Assessments Context: Sudden onset humanitarian emergencies: Can and should logistics play a stronger role in rapid assessments?
Rationale – A Prog/Logs Disconnect Assessments typically done through a programme lens. Logistics service effectiveness to a response is dependent on level of logistics understanding of ‘programme need’. Donors typically make their first funding decisions within 10 days of a sudden onset emergency and their major allocations within 6 weeks. (eg. Funds for sludge trucks). Rapid, multi-sector needs assessments have not always been good enough and fast enough to make the right decisions – a potential negative impact on logistics service effectiveness
Logistics conducts capacity assessments to complement programme needs assessments NB. Haiti LCA was rendered invalid by the disaster Logistics / NFI distribution needs – What is required within logistics operations to deliver effective support? Agency gap analysis – how we can leverage GLCSC initiatives to fill these gaps? There is a need to enhance collaboration. Considerations
Harmonizing Needs Assessments IASC Needs Assessment Working Group (NAG) co- chaired by IFRC & OCHA More progress required to achieve agreed, credible and timely multi-sector needs assessments post disaster. Lessons identify two underlying factors: 1. Greater coherence and partnership in the planning and implementation of needs assessment, at the global and field levels 2. Complementary investments required in needs assessment preparedness covering technical aspects, leadership, coordination, capacity-building, advocacy and data management.
NAG, through Needs Assessment Task Force (NATF) developing guidance for: Phase 0 – preparedness for assessments, Phase 1 – defining numbers of people requiring assistance in the first days post disaster onset Phase 2 – conducting initial rapid assessments (IRA) in the first two weeks post onset. Two models: 1. “joint” / multi-sectoral assessments with a single team, Multi-cluster Rapid Assessment Mechanism (McRAM) 2. consolidation of a core set of information from separate but harmonized sectoral assessments.
NAG Objectives (Supplement sectoral expertise) Strengthen coordination and leadership: Guidance on assessment coordination for Needs Assessment Framework (NAF); Improve technical support: Guidance / toolbox on cross-sector needs assessment practice for Phases 0, 1 and 2. Pilot in five countries by March 2011; Increased advocacy, awareness & resource mobilization: funding and communication strategies; Capacity building for preparedness & planning: Train / develop a roster of accredited needs assessment experts; Enhanced information and data management support: Identify good/bad data management practices
Needs Assessment Tools McRAM - Multi-Cluster Rapid Assessment Mechanism IRA - Initial Rapid Assessment PDNA - Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Developed by global Health, Nutrition and WASH Clusters and the NGO Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB) PCNA - Post Conflict Needs Assessment
Humanitarian Dashboard One page graphic illustration of the humanitarian situation and response in a given country or context “Dials” on the dashboard reflect a particular number (from “best” (1) to “worst” (5)) on areas like “adequacy of response” or “need for international response”.
Dashboard example
Dashboard Concerns The Intended Audience? The Risk of “Misuse” The Role of National Capacity Response is about Quality, Not Just Quantity The Humanitarian Community is Diverse, Not All the Same The Potential Security Implications of the Dashboard on NGO Operations Who is Pushing This Process?
Questions Would it make sense for the logs cluster to: Initiate joint logistics / programme assessments in sudden onset emergencies? Jointly develop / update existing assessment tools or reports Most desirable approach? Ensure Logs Cluster participation in joint IRAs / McRAM Develop joint logistics assessment capabilities – eg. as part of LRT training Request cluster participants to provide agency input on their programme assessment methodologies – align these to propose links with rapid logistics assessments.
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