Page 1 Electronic Waste
Page 2 U.S. Landfill Ban and/or Legislation Landfill Ban and/or Legislation 2008 Landfill Ban and/or Legislation Landfill Ban and/or Legislation No Landfill Ban and/or Legislation
Page 3 ERI: Electronic Waste Industry E-waste is that it is the fastest-growing component of the municipal waste stream worldwide 130,000 computers are thrown out every day in the United States
Page 4 ERI: Electronic Waste Industry E-waste disposal has is a growing problem for: Businesses Residents Cities & Municipalities Environmental concerns stem from the many compounds found in everyday E-waste that are known to have adverse impacts on health, such as: Increased risk of cancer, harm to the kidneys, harm to the brain, and harm to the nervous system The proper disposal of E-waste and the enormous benefits in doing so has become a paramount concern for legislators, environmentalists, the general public and the media
Page 5 ERI: Electronic Waste Industry The following hazardous elements and compounds can be found in everyday E-waste: Lead in cathode ray tubes and solder Mercury in switches and housing Arsenic in older cathode ray tubes Antimony trioxide as flame retardant Polybrominated flame retardants in plastic casings, cables, and circuit boards Selenium is coating used on older power supply rectifier diodes Cadmium in circuit boards and semiconductors Chromium in steel as corrosion protection Cobalt in steel for structural strength and magnetivity
Page 6 ERI: Electronic Waste Industry CRTs are the video display tubes used in: Computer monitors Televisions Radar displays Video computer terminals Represent an enormous and growing solid and hazardous waste problem. CRTs contain approximately 4-8 lbs. of lead in each unit. Human exposure can cause damage to the: Central nervous system Blood system Brain development of children
Page 7 ERI: Electronic Waste Industry
Page 8 Energy Conservation Benefits Cont… Significant Energy Savings Recycling of electronic waste conserves a tremendous amount of energy. Recycling these materials also reduces emissions of pollutants that can cause smog, acid rain and the contamination of waterways. For example, the smelting of bauxite ore to make aluminum requires 20 times more energy than melting down and reusing the aluminum scrap. 60% Metals Plastics Glass
Page 9 ERI: 100% Recycling Solution LARGEST E-waste Shredder in North America Utilization of the most technologically advanced CRT Crushing System and Shredding System Hermetically sealed Dust filtration system Environment/employees are separated from the crushing atmosphere ERI Utilizes a unique bar coding tracking system to ensure all materials are: Traceable throughout: oAll stages of the “in-house” recycling process oDownstream Vendors oProprietary system allows ERI to customize its services to ensure privacy, security, and regulatory/environmental compliance for all its clients. Limiting liability
Page 10 ERI: 100% Recycling Solution Custom receiving reports Customized governmental reporting Certificates of Assured Destruction are provided on all E-waste shipments assuring it’s 100% recycled Video verification of destruction provides clients with live video data of their E-waste destruction Limiting liability Save to DVD Shred all hard drives Limiting liability
Page 11 ERI: 100% Accountability Receiving Report Bar Code Label
Page 12 ERI: 100% Accountability Certificate of Assured Destruction
Page 13 ERI: Compliance ERI facilities are permitted and approved to handle and treat electronic waste ERI remains the ONLY electronic recycling company in the United States to hold concurrent statewide e-waste recycling contracts: California, Washington, Maine, Massachusetts ERI has NOT received a violation at any facilities First facility opened in 1999 Audited by over 100 companies Our policy includes an OSHA consultation once a year at each facility Evaluate our safety and health procedures Lead Monitoring on Employees for an 8 hour workday
Page 14 ERI: Downstream Accountability Requires that no scrap be exported to developing countries (non-OECD) Maintains the highest environmental standards and reduces exposure of its collection partners Participates in federal and international policy All downstream vendors are audited in person by ERI’s Compliance/Environmental Team Basel Action Network (BAN) Founder
Page 15 ERI: Regulatory Compliance ERI will not allow any hazardous E-waste we handle to be sent to solid waste (non-hazardous waste) landfills or incinerators for disposal or energy recovery, either directly or through intermediaries. ERI will not allow the export of hazardous E-waste we handle to be exported from developed to developing countries either directly or through intermediaries. ERI will not allow any E-waste we handle to be sent to prisons for recycling either directly or through intermediaries. ERI has a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) in place and our operation meets best practices. ERI will complete its ISO 9001 & ISO Certification by April 1, 2009 All ISO manuals (Procedure, Quality, and Environmental) are complete.
Page 16 ERI: Regulatory Compliance ERI commits to ensuring that the entire recycling chain, including downstream intermediaries and recovery operations such as smelters, are meeting all applicable environmental and health regulations. Every effort will be made to only make use of those facilities (e.g. smelters), which provide the most efficient and least polluting recovery services available globally. ERI provides transparent tracking of hazardous E-Waste throughout the product recycling chain. Our tracking information shows the final disposition of all hazardous waste materials. ERI provides adequate assurance and insurance (e.g. bonds) to cover environmental and other costs of the closure of our facilities, and additionally to provide liability insurance for accidents and incidents involving wastes under our control and ownership. Additionally we ensure due diligence throughout the product chain. ERI agrees to support the design for environment and toxics use reduction programs and/or legislation for electronic products.