Map of Giporlos
Land Use Map of Giporlos
Poblacion Area
Municipal Hall
Municipal Multi Purpose Covered Court
Municipal Port
Street Lights
Entrance to Poblacion
River and Mangrove forest
Kantico Beach
Green Mountains
Karansay Festival
g eneral i nformation
Political/Geographical Subdivision One of the 23 towns/cityof the province and lone district of Eastern Samar Total Number of Barangays 18 (8 Poblacions Brgy. 6 rural coastal. and 4 rural upland) 11 coastal barangay Major Livelihood Farming, Fishing Fishing Grounds Sua Bay, Leyte Gulf g eneral i nformation
Land Transportation Facilities van, jeep, bus, tricycle, single motorcycle, pedicabs Total No. of Seaports2 Airport FacilityPrivate airport Brgy.-1, undeveloped ) Distance from Tacloban City 65 air-kilometers northeast of Tacloban City, the regional capital. 97 km by land
Financing InstitutionsGiporlos Credit Cooperative, TSKI, Quedancor, CARD, etc. Communication ServicesSmart Globelines (mobile and broadband internet services) Cable Services Dream Cignal Reliance g eneral i nformation
Income (Actual)(Estimate)Estimate IRA 33, ,321, , Local 841, ,008, ,058, Total 34,263, ,329, ,356,428.03
Health System Facilities1 RHU 9 BHC 3 BHS 1 BarangayBirthing Facility Health Employees1 MHO 1 PH Nurse 6 Midwives (3 Permanent, 3 Job Order) 1 Med Tech 5 RNHeals 1 visiting Dentist Vehicles 1 Ambulance g eneral i nformation
Agricultural Land Coconut - 6,500 has. Rice has. HVC/Others - Intercropped Major Crops Coconut, Rice, Corn Root crops and Vegetable Major Livelihood Farming and Fishing Farmers 6,000 60% of the population are coconut dependent Agriculture
Preparation Food (Can goods and Rice) Diesel and Gasoline Prepared trucks, ambulance, and other municipal vehicles Equipments Force evacuation
Challenges Evacuation Facility Disaster reduction Infrastructures People
The Calm Before The Storm
The Aftermath:
Affected: 18 Barangays 3,124 households 2,169 totally damaged houses 855 partially damaged houses 3,981 families affected 12 fatalities 1,490 Injured
Affected farmers: 100% (coco farmers) 95% damaged Coconut damaged: Moderate = 676 has Severe = 337 has Totally = 5,743 has
Totally Damaged Non-Motorized boat: 100 Partially Damaged: 100 Totally Damaged Motorized: 175 Partially = 75
Interventions Clean water Food Medical Care Shelter Stress debriefing Debris Cleaning and Road Opening Damage assessments
Whats Happening Now Water system Electricity Medical Facilities Shelter Kits Livelihood programs Cash for work Procurement of Lots Temporary Schools Sanitary Landfill
Whats For The Future WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER Infrastructures Schools Medical Facilities Government buildings Evacuation Facilities Seawalls and river walls Etc.
A Better Community
Mayor Mark S. Biong Giporlos E. Samar