DG Environment Pilot River Basin Conclusion of the phase 1 Outcome Report on phase 1b
DG Environment CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Introduction Main aims of the PRB testing exercise Context of the PRB testing exercise CHAPTER 2. LINKING PHASE 1a AND PHASE 1b Critical improvements/developments since Phase1a by GDs New perspectives/lessons learnt since phase 1a. Structure of the Report CHAPTER 3. OUTCOME OF THE TESTING Interlinkages between GDs Transversal issues – coherence between GDs Planning Process and Best Practices Monitoring Wetlands Public Participation Other issues/other approaches (implementation) Information management Transnational coordination Dissemination of results CHAPTER 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Recommendations ANNEX I: Collection of Case Studies ANNEX II: Answer to the ToR given by PRBs were summarised for each GDs ANNEX III: Complete answers to the ToR Given by PRBs
DG Environment Main aims of this phase of the PRB testing exercise: whether the GD responds to the needs of the PRBs. to test whether the inter-linkages between the guidance documents are sufficiently developed. valuable learning experiences from the PRB exercise but also to point out similar experiences from outside the PRBs exercise.
DG Environment GDs tested during Phase 1b of the exercise Identification and Characterization of Heavily Modified Water Bodies (HMWB) and Artificial Water Bodies (AWB) Intercalibration Process Monitoring Planning Process/Best Practices Geographical Information Systems and management of information in RBs Management of wetlands in the WFD Public participation in Phase 1.b
DG Environment Context of the PRB testing exercise: One of the most striking features found in this PRBs exercise is the rich diversity encountered. Sone issues have raised to attention, that are common to most of the PRBs: Agriculture and hydromorphology are recurrent topics, despite geographical distribution; Certain pressures seem to have a strong geographical connotation; The implementation of the WFD will have profound implications in the management of water resources in EU.
DG Environment Context of the PRB testing exercise: Furthermore, the WFD calls for an integrated approach to water issues hydrological data administrated by different national and/or regional authorities; Such fragmentation is also typical in the case of monitoring networks;
DG Environment Critical improvements/developments since Phase 1a. the WFD implementation should be considered as an iterative process Phase 1a was just the beginning phase of the GDs testing PRBs have produced more detailed results than in Phase 1a During the discussion on Phase 1b it became clear that some of the issues addressed during Phase 1a were also of high relevance to Phase 1b.
DG Environment New perspectives/lessons learnt since phase 1a Phase 1a and 1b have shown practical implications in the WFD implementation at RB level The Pilot River Basin Article 5 Reports have proven to be a powerful aid in communication.
DG Environment Critical improvements/developments since Phase 1a. emphasize transferring of the experiences gained in Phase 1.a of the PRB exercise to other national River Basins After Phase 1.a the PRBs have reached a better cohesion between the partnership and have gained considerable experience and knowledge by means of “learning by doing” and information exchange between the colleagues in the PRB Network.
DG Environment New perspectives/lessons learnt since phase 1a Some PRBs have applied the results from Phase 1a to investigate particulars issues found of relevance at local level. GDs remain theoretical products and, therefore, do not guarantee that the final results of different member states are comparable. about the HMWB delineation, PRBs highlighted that during the first phase of the testing the delineation was not always carried out for all the WB in the basin.
DG Environment Outcome of the Report, Conclusions & Recommendations: The exercise has proven to be a powerful aid for communication and raised awareness on topics related with the implementation of the directive. There is a strong need for integrating existing monitoring networks and for complementing the actual lack of data. The definition of River Basin District boundaries, spanning also groundwater is perceived by PRBs a fundamental issue to be fixed earlier in the process. The structure of many administrations with tasks in water management does not fit the WFD requirements.
DG Environment Outcome of the Report, Conclusions & Recommendations: During the conference on Active Involvement in River Basin Planning 10 key points for active public participation were highlighted BY Ribble, Jucar, Scheldt and Danube. MS should try to harmonize monitoring competences. PRBs agreed on the fact that there is no need of introducing changes in the GDs or produce new GD. PRBs generally highlight the necessity to improve linkage and communication with other Groups and initiatives involved in the CIS.