Basic Facts Ukraine has: about 55 thousand rivers, which include 9 large (catch water basin is over 50 thou. sq. km); 87 middle (catch water basin is from 2 to 50 thou. sq. km); the remaining are small (major water supply source of the population) Total river length is over 220 thou. sq. km over 20 thou. lakes, area of 43 of them is more than 10 sq.km Ukraine river runoff resources as of 2011 total– 180 cu. km per year local runoff – 44.4 cu. km per year inflow – 136,2 sq. km. per year According to the pollution level Ukraine river waters fit the 3 rd class of water quality (moderately polluted) Forecasted groundwater storage is 27 bln. cu. m. per year, 7 bln. cu. m. per year of them are approved
Kahovsk HPP DnepropetrovskHPP Dneprodzerzhinsk HPP Kremenchug HPP Kanevskaya HPP Kiev HPP UPR 16,0 UPR 51,4 UPR 64,0 UPR 81,0 UPR 91,5 UPR 103, 0 Dnieper storage reservoir cascade Total storage is 43,8 cu. km. Available storage is 18,5 cu. km 93 km 326 km 455 km 580 km 739 km903 km Ukraine has built the following to supply population and branches of economics with water: 1103 water storage reservoirs with total storage at 55,5 cu. km (available storage is 26,4 cu. km); 48 thousands of ponds with total storage at 4,0 cu.km. 16 low-water regions of Ukraine account 1,323 rural settlements, inhabitants of which use imported water. The main part of the regulated runoff in Ukraine is concentrated in the Dnepropetrovsk storage reservoir cascade.
Water relations in Ukraine are regulated by Water Code of Ukraine Ukraine Law on the Environmental Protection Ukraine Law on Potable Water and Potable Water Supply Other legal acts regulating relations in this area of activity
Ukraine water fund consists of 1) 1) Surface water: - natural reservoirs (lakes), waterways (rivers, steams); - artificial reservoirs (water storage reservoirs, ponds) channels, other water objects. 2) 2) Groundwater and springs 3) 3) Internal sea waters and territorial sea
State monitoring of waters is a constituent part of the state environmental monitoring Objective: to ensure collecting, processing, saving and analyzing data on the state of water bodies, forecasting of its change and development of the scientifically substantiated recommendations for decisions making in the area of water use, its protection and water resources renewal. Activity areas: - quantity of waters - quality of waters
Structure of the state monitoring of waters Observations (initial information) Assessment of the actual state: - summarized data on certain period of time or certain territory; - indexes and complex indicators arising from the summarization by parameters; - assessment of water state and its negative effects sources. Forecasts of water state and its changes The scientifically substantiated recommendations required for decisions making
Types of the State Water Monitoring Background Monitoring Common Monitoring, consisting of: - monitoring in the state network of observation points, - monitoring of human impact to water object, - monitoring of water bodies in places of their use, - special types of monitoring; Crisis Monitoring
Subjects of the State Monitoring of Waters Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources State Agency of Water Resources State Service of Geology and Subsurface Resources Ministry of Emergency Situations (State Hydrometeorological Service) Ministry of Health (State Sanitation and Epidemiological Service) Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Housing Economy (of the Municipal Housing Economy Office, association of water and sewage economy) ________________________________________________________ Furthermore, the State Environmental Inspectorate and its territorial bodies carry out state supervision for observance of requirement of the legislation in the area of protection of waters and water resources renewal
State Water Use Accounting Goal: obtaining of data on the quantity and quality of water, as well as data on water use, on the basis of which there is a water distribution implemented among the water users and elaboration of measures on rational use, protection of waters and water resources renewal. Types of the state accounting of waters: accounting of water use (is maintained by the State Agency on Water Resources); accounting of surface waters (is maintained by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Hydrometeorological Service)) accounting of ground waters (is maintained by the State Service of Geology and Subsurface Resources) ________________________________________________________________ Water Cadastre us maintained in Ukraine for systematization of all data of the state accounting of waters and determination of the volume of potential use of water resources ________________________________________________________________
Public Water Use Accounting – competence of the State Water Resources Agency The State accounting of water use is carried out by way of submission of reports by respondents (water users) to the territorial state water management bodies
Public Water Use Accounting Information source – Form No. 2-тп (Water economy) “Water use” (approved by Decree of the State Statistical Committee of Ukraine dated , No. 230) Periodicity – quarterly Survey method - continious Respondents interference criteria: all water users abstracting water from water bodies or receiving water from primary abstractors in volume 50 cu. m per day and more; water users discharging wastewaters directly to water bodies, reservoirs, absorption fields and etc. (irrespective of volumes of discharge); water users having circulating water systems with capacity of 1,000 cu.m per day (irrespective of volumes of water abstraction); water users abstracting less than 50 cu.m of water per day (by the decision of the territorial government authorities). According to the latest data there are 17 thousand water users being subject to accounting in Ukraine. Almost all of them are primary users.
Basic indicators of Form No. 2-тп (Water Economy) Section І “Water abstraction, use and losses” - by types of sources of water supply (surface, ground) - by types of water bodies (fresh, sea) - by categories of water quality (drinking, industrial) Section ІІ “Water disposal” - by types of waste water receivers (surface water bodies, underground horizons, storages and etc.) - by categories of water quality (waste, mining and quarry, collector and drainage waters) - by categories of pollution and treatment of wastewaters (polluted, treated to standard quality, regulatory pure) - Content of pollutants in wastewaters (oil products, sulphates, chlorides, ferrum, zinc and etc.)
Data of the Form No. 2-тп (Water Economy) are processed using Program WinGosWod and generalized in whole countrywise and by sections: territorial basin water resources regions branches of activity Data of water balance inventory – is the basis for the calculation of the fee (tax) for the special use of water resources.
Basic indicators of water-related activities
Distribution of information on water use (Form No. 2-тп (Water Economy)) Summary data shall be submitted to : The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, as well as to other Ministries The State Statistical Service The Academy of Sciences, Scientific Research Institutes and other organizations (on demand)
Reference web-sites: Official web-site of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine: under section “Activity”, subsection “Ecological control”/Reports on the state of environment / National report on the state of environment in Ukraine (annual) Official web-site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine: under section “Publications”, subsection “Agriculture and environment statistics” / yearbook «Environment of Ukraine” section “Water resources” (annual); section “Statistical information”, subsection “Environment”/ table “Main indicators on the water resources use and protection” ( ) Official web-site of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine : section “Municipal housing economy” subsection “Water supply” /”National report on drinking water quality and state of drinking water supply in Ukraine” (annual) Distribution of data on the state and use of water resources
Distribution of data on the state and use of water resources (continued) Official web-site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine: section “Current information”/ subsection “National report”/ “National report on the state of technotronic and environmental security in Ukraine” (annual) Official web-site of the Central geophysical observatory of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine : section “Observations in Ukraine”/ subsections: “Hydrologic data”, “Data on pollution” (annual) Official web-site of the Central sanitation and epidemiological service of the Ukraine: section “Sanitary-epidemic situation”/ “Sanitary-epidemic situation at the objects of increased epidemiologic risk” (monthly)
Problems of accounting of the state and use of water resources Nonavailability of the common, open data window for free and simple access of users to national data on the state and use of water Cooperation in the area of exchange of information on water resources and their use between the corresponding organizations Register of persons responsible for particular sets of data on water containing information about them for mutual contacts (data source ↔ data user) Improvement of the form of reporting on water use and methods of its treatment to guarantee the performance of reporting obligations
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