Université Pierre et Marie Curie Monique Grandbastien Professor, AIDA Team, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy1 On behalf of Jean-Marc Labat Professor, UPMC
Université Pierre Marie Curie SCIENCE & MEDECINE PARIS 6
students, including 6000 foreigners for the medical sector for the Sciences sector 4000 researchers and academic staff 3000 technical and administrative staff 180 research labs belonging to the main national institutions (e.g. CNRS, INSERM, INRA, ENS, Polytechnique et Collège de France) MEMBERS and LABS
Every year UPMC awards: 3000 master degrees 200 master of engineering degrees 300 medecine degrees (for doctors) 800 other higher education degrees 700 PhD (including 100 PhD co-awarded with a foreign university))
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 Scientific organisation : 5 departments Scientific ComputingJ.M. Chesneaux Decision making, Intelligent Systems and Operations Research P. Perny Databases and Machine Learning B. Bouchon-Meunier Networks and Distributed systems B. Foliot Systems on Chips A. Greiner
150 academic staff 250 PhD students 30 administrative and technical staff Budget (2005) Salaries : 6.6 M Euros Research : 5.1 M Euros, from : CNRS : 250 KE Université : 350 KE Contracts : 4.5 ME Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6
DESIR: Decision making, Intelligent Systems and Operations Research DESIR department is organised in five teams RO (Operations research) DECISION (Decision) SMA (Multi-agent systems) ANIMATLAB (Animat approach) MOCAH (Models and tools for human learning)
MOCAH: Models and Tools for Human Learning Main Research Themes Theme 1: design and description of digital resources design and implement digital resources => Combien? describe and annotate these resources to allow their use for building new learning units propose tools and methodology for design Theme 2: Functionalities for Interactive Learning Environments Diagnosis and updating of the Learner Model Design of Authoring Tools Open architecture for integration of active components
AIDA: Interdisciplinary Approach for Interactive Learning Environments AIDA Team federates: MOCAH research team, Lip6 Laboratory (Paris 6 University) LORIA/AIDA research team, LORIA UMR 7503 Laboratory (Nancy/CNRS/INRIA University) DIDIREM research team, DIDIREM Laboratory ( Paris 7 University) REPAM research team, Usages et Cogntion Laboratory (Paris 8 University) Technologies and Communications research team, LINC Laboratory ( Paris 8 University) SIMBAD research team, GET-INT Laboratory (INT Evry)
L'UTES : A university component LUTES is a transversal component the missions of which are: Providing free access to digital learning resources for all university students Providing academic staff with rooms equipped with specific software for practical classes Organising specific support for students (learning paths using on line resources, teachers available for direct help)
l'UTES : ActiveMath dissemination French version of ActiveMath will be deployed in l’UTES and made Available to all students coming there Available for academic staff organising practical classes using ActiveMath Available for being part of assigned learning paths to students aiming at fulfilling special goals (e.g. acquiring the required competencies to take a given unit)
Combien? Project Combien?: an ITS for problem solving in combinatorics The “Combien?” group defined a methodology for designing the various components of an ITS The group built a pedagogical system to train students to solve combinatorics problems using its "constructive method". The system is operational and used at university.
Combien? Stand-alone application Languages: Programming environment: VisualWorks (Smalltalk) Knowledge representation: Descript language (defined by Combien? Team) Traces All the events and inputs from the student and the reactions of the system are recorded in a Descript file so that the session can be re-played These Descript files can be translated to XML files
Connecting Combien? And ActiveMath see WP5 description! ActiveMath Combien? Exercises Traces