W HAT IS DYSLEXIA ? Dyslexia is a condition that confuses your brain so it’s a lot harder to understand that people are trying to help you to learn. Our school contains lots of different recourses to help you with Dyslexia so you can make progress in your learning and in tests for your later life. atch?v=0LwCLPQzhqE
W HAT ARE B RIAN ’ S B UDDIES ? Brian’s buddies are group of people who help others who have dyslexia or don’t understand what dyslexia is. They help the school by buying resources to make having dyslexia easier for children who need extra help in there learning. Brain’s Buddies is also a way to enjoy your learning and to make it FUN and easier for all Dyslexic people.
F AMOUS P EOPLE People all around the world have dyslexia even famous people, such as: Johnny Depp is a famous Hollywood actor but what you may not know is that he has dyslexia so he has to learn his lines and words very carefully. Will Smith,yes the super famous actor and rapper, has dyslexia the same as many other famous people. Roald Dahl was a famous author that has written thousands of books and some of them have even turned into films. Walt Disney was a famous cartoon creator and is the farther of the famous Mickey mouse.
B RIAN ' S F RIENDS. Sally Sally the snake helps you with speech and tricky words in your work. She's help you try new words in convocations, and Sally thinks its sssssuper to try out new words. Kevin Kevin the calculating crocodile helps you with maths and calculations. He helps make your maths Fun and snappy. Harry Harry the hedgehog is a genius at writing and can help you to write amazing stories. His nose is a full stop, his eyes are capital letters, his spikes are finger spaces and his mouth is make sense. Harry says don’t let writing be a prickly subject. Becky Becky the bee helps people with their behaviour at school. She also helps you to listen and to control your anger.
E QUIPMENT AROUND THE SCHOOL Our school has lots of recourses to help you succeed better in your learning and do better in all subjects. In most class rooms we have these pencil grippers which help you hold your pencil a lot easier so your writing can look a lot nicer. We also have a few VAK packs around the school but we are going to improve them loads more and were planning to get more them soon.
D ON ’ T EVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS, YOU CAN SUCCEED IN ANYTHING YOU TRY ! Always have a smile on your face. Always try your best in everything even if you think you might fail. Never stop believing in yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself even if you have dyslexia. VhU53ow