Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Mechanisms, Signs & Symptoms and Treatment of Strains, Sprains and Contusions
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Introduction What is a strain? What is a sprain? Do you know the difference between the two? What is a contusion?
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Objectives Students will be able to: 1. Identify the signs & symptoms of injuries to the hip, thigh & pelvis 2. Identify the appropriate treatment for injuries to the hip, thigh & pelvis
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Strain- A stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon. Results in a 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd degree injury. An injury to a muscle or tendon.
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Sprain- A stretching or tearing of the joint capsule or ligament. Results in a 1 st, 2 nd or 3 rd degree injury. An injury to ligament.
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Muscle contusion- an injury caused by an impact to the muscle which results in discoloration due to a disruption of circulation in the area
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Sign- observable evidence of an injury
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Symptom- what the athlete tells you they feel
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries - Terminology Mechanism- a description of how the injury occurred
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Quad Contusions Mechanism A direct blow to your quad which causes the blood vessels to burst which forms a hematoma
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Quad Contusion Signs & Symptoms Tenderness, swelling, limping Some loss of Range of Motion (ROM)
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Quad Contusion Treatment RICE- Rest Ice Compression Elevation Possible use of crutches Place affected leg on stretch Additional padding when returning to play
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Iliac Crest Contusion (Hip Pointer) Mechanism Direct trauma to the iliac crest
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Iliac Crest Contusion (Hip Pointer) Signs and Symptoms Extreme tenderness, swelling, ecchymosis, limping
Hip, Thigh, & Pelvis Injuries Iliac Crest Contusion (Hip Pointer) Treatment Ice, compression Additional padding when returning to play
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Adductor (Groin) Strain Mechanism Too much stress Forceful contraction Over stretching Due to sudden sideways changes in direction
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Adductor Strain S & S Pain/ Tenderness in the adductor Pain on hip adduction Popping/ snapping during injury
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Adductor Strain Treatment (TX) Ice Compress thigh Anti-inflammatory meds Stretching & strengthening exercises
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hamstring Strain Mechanism : Not warming up properly Incomplete rehab Inappropriate training Lack of flexibility
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hamstring Strain S & S Sudden severe pain during exercise Snapping or popping Pain in back of thigh & lower buttock when walking Bruising, swelling & decreased strength
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hamstring Strain Treatment (TX) RICE Some stretching and strength Compression wrap when return- to-play
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Quad Strain Mechanism Stretching quadriceps beyond normal ROM Sudden forceful stress from jumping, kicking, sprinting
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Quad Strains S & S Possible bruising Pain
Quad Strains Treatment (TX) RICE Compression wrap when return- to-play
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hip Flexor Mechanism Sudden forceful stress from jumping, kicking, sprinting Tight muscles & poor flexibility
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hip Flexor S & S Pain Swelling
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries Hip Flexor Treatment (TX) RICE After couple of rest days start gentle stretching Compression wrap when return- to-play
Hip, Thigh & Pelvis Injuries- “What’s My Injury?” With a partner, choose an injury from today’s lesson. Write a creative scenario about the injury including the mechanism and treatment for the injury. Be prepared to share.