Chapter one Fredrick Douglass was born in Tucahoe in Talbot country. Fredrick Douglass was born in Tucahoe in Talbot country. There were rumors that his master was his dad but no one was sure. There were rumors that his master was his dad but no one was sure. He got separated from his mother when he was an infant. He got separated from his mother when he was an infant. He had 2 masters, Anthony and overseer Mr. Plummer. He had 2 masters, Anthony and overseer Mr. Plummer.
Continuing.. When his Aunt’s master whipped her because she wasn’t home when he needed her was the first time he ever saw a slave get whipped. When his Aunt’s master whipped her because she wasn’t home when he needed her was the first time he ever saw a slave get whipped. His aunt’s master was Colonel Lloyd. His aunt’s master was Colonel Lloyd. The louder his aunt screamed the harder he whipped her and it seemed to give him pleasure. The louder his aunt screamed the harder he whipped her and it seemed to give him pleasure. His moms name was Harriet Baily. His moms name was Harriet Baily. No knowledge of his age. No knowledge of his age. Mom is daughter of Issac and Betsey Baily, both were really dark. Mom is daughter of Issac and Betsey Baily, both were really dark.
Chapter 2 Frederick’s master had 3 kids: Andrew, Richard, and Lucretia. Products raised on the plantation were: tobacco, corn, and wheat. Colonel Lloyd kept slaves on his home plantion. Farms nearest to home: Wyetown &New Design
Chapter 2 Wyetown owned by Noah Willis. New Design owned by Mr. Townsend. Only earned monthly allowance of food. Earned a yearly allowance of food.
Chapter 2 Children weren’t allowed to work in the field. Slaves didn’t have beds. Mr. Severe: a cruel overseer that whips a lot of woman, profane swearer, died young. Mr. Hopkins: took Mr. Severe’s place, known as a kind overseer.
Chapter 2 All mechanical operations were performed at colonel Lloyd’s Plantation. Singing always brought them together.
Chapter 3 Cononel Lloyd put tar around the garden so the slaves wouldn’t eat the fruit. The Garden was Cononel Lloyd’s prized possession. The slaves were slashed for stealing or attempting to steal fruit from the garden. If Cononel Lloyds horses didn’t move fast enough or do something right, it was the slave keepers fault. People from near and far can to see the garden. Private investigators were sometimes hired to spy on slaves. Old and Young Barney (father and son) often got whipped for no reason but sometimes got away from whipping when they really did do something Cononel Lloyd’s other prized possession was his horses. Cononel Lloyd had 3 sons that whipped at their own pleasure. When slaves went to town and were asked about how their master’s treated them, they often tried to say positive things. Cononel Lloyd’s garden on the Great House Farm was the farms greatest attraction
Brandon said he’d this to me.
chapter 5 chapter 5 Life on the plantation wasn’t near as good, as life in the city for a slave. Life on the plantation wasn’t near as good, as life in the city for a slave. The children on the plantation, were not fed very well. The ones that ate the fastest gets the most. The children on the plantation, were not fed very well. The ones that ate the fastest gets the most. While Douglass spent his time on the plantation, one of his masters, Daniel Lloyd, favored him over other boy slaves. While Douglass spent his time on the plantation, one of his masters, Daniel Lloyd, favored him over other boy slaves. In this chapter Douglass gets to have the chance to live in the city for the first time. In this chapter Douglass gets to have the chance to live in the city for the first time. Everyone thought that the Great House Plantation was so “great”, but in fact Douglass disagreed very much. Everyone thought that the Great House Plantation was so “great”, but in fact Douglass disagreed very much. The decision to move to Baltimore was very easy for Douglass to make, since he had no home ties. The decision to move to Baltimore was very easy for Douglass to make, since he had no home ties. He felt that living in New England was so much better than the plantation. He felt that living in New England was so much better than the plantation. But while he lived on the plantation the most chores he had outdoors, were going to fetch the birds, his master shot down. But while he lived on the plantation the most chores he had outdoors, were going to fetch the birds, his master shot down. Douglass very rarely received a whipping. Douglass very rarely received a whipping. While living in the city, Douglass received a larger allowance & was well fed. While living in the city, Douglass received a larger allowance & was well fed.
Chapter VI (6) Frederick wasn’t sure how he should behave towards his new mistress, Sophie. Frederick wasn’t sure how he should behave towards his new mistress, Sophie. Sophia began to teach Douglass how to read and write. Sophia began to teach Douglass how to read and write. Sophia was quickly forbidden by her husband to continue his lessons. He was convinced an educated slave is a bad slave. Sophia was quickly forbidden by her husband to continue his lessons. He was convinced an educated slave is a bad slave. Douglass learned that the slaves in Baltimore were treated better than him. Douglass learned that the slaves in Baltimore were treated better than him. Mr. Thomas Hamilton’s slave, Mary, was so badly whipped, she was often called Pecked. Mr. Thomas Hamilton’s slave, Mary, was so badly whipped, she was often called Pecked. Sophie was unlike any mistress Douglass had ever seen. Sophie was unlike any mistress Douglass had ever seen. Mrs. Hamilton was a very cruel mistress. Mrs. Hamilton was a very cruel mistress.
Chapter 7 1. He learned to read from the little boys. 2. He started to learn to write from the too. 3. He started finding out about slavery. 4. He found out he could run away and be free. 5. HE learned about abolition. 6. Two white men told him about how to get away. 7. He acted like he didn’t care bout what the 2 Irishmen said. 8. He thought the 2 men were going to tell on him. 9.He started thinking about how he’s a slave for life. 10. He started reading a book called The Columbian Orator.
Chapter 8 Richard & Captain Anthony died Richard & Captain Anthony died Mr. Andrews: cruel, common drunkard, reckless management, wasted father’s money Mr. Andrews: cruel, common drunkard, reckless management, wasted father’s money Stamped Fredrick’s little brothers head Stamped Fredrick’s little brothers head Fredrick was sent back to Baltimore Fredrick was sent back to Baltimore Lucretia and Master Andrews died Lucretia and Master Andrews died Fredrick’s grandmother served old master, forever Fredrick’s grandmother served old master, forever
Chapter 8 Grandma: lived to suffer in utter loneliness, when one died, usually let elder slaves let go (of no value), built a hut- to die on their own Grandma: lived to suffer in utter loneliness, when one died, usually let elder slaves let go (of no value), built a hut- to die on their own Master Thomas married Rowena Hamilton, lived in St. Michaels, took Fredrick to live with him there. Master Thomas married Rowena Hamilton, lived in St. Michaels, took Fredrick to live with him there. Attached to Baltimore boys [said they were blessings to him.] (why he didn’t want to leave) Attached to Baltimore boys [said they were blessings to him.] (why he didn’t want to leave) Determination to run away and was revived. Determination to run away and was revived.
Chapter 9 This chapter he learns how to tell dates He leaves Baltimore to go back and live with Thomas He left on march, 1832 In this chapter he said his master is the worst master he has ever had He said he does not get fed enough and that’s the worst thing a master can do. They were allowed less than one half of there regular amount He said he was starving to death He would let the horses out to go down to the main house to get food Master got tired of horses getting loose So he sent Fredrick to Mr. Covey to be broken
Chapter 10 He left Mr. Thomas and went to live with Mr. Covey on January 1, He got his first whipping because of taking too long to get wood and breaking the cart and fence when coming back. Mr. Covey bought Caroline and Mr. Samuel Harrison as breeding slaves. He walked 7 miles to get to Master Thomas. Master Thomas said that “Mr. Covey wouldn’t kill him and go back to him.” Frederick met Sandy Jenkins who told him about the certain root. Frederick got in a fight with Mr. Covey. He didn’t get whipped or beaten by him ever again. He was sent to Mr. William Freeland. Went to learn to calk at a ship yard with Mr. William Gardner. At the end of the day he had to give the money to his master because it was/is his and not Fredericks; plus his master forced him to.
Chapter 11 By: Morgan Whitaker
facts Fredrick hired himself out. Fredrick was telling us about how he escaped. Fredrick traveled to New York The slaves were treated better in New York than they were in Baltimore. You were like your own boss in New York. You were treated a lot better but you still were treated like crap if you were in New York. Most slaves called the underground railroad the upper ground railroad. The reason it was called the upper ground railroad was because it was so obvious to everybody, even the masters. The worst thing that happened to Fredrick was that his “boss” would give him 6 cents out of his 6 dollars. The thought of leaving all of his friends killed Fredrick inside but he had to be free.
Chapter 11 He escpaped The slaves in the north were as rich as somne of the masters His motto was trust no one He didn’t want to state all of his tactics of his escape When he 1 st moved to new york he was poor