Responding to Literature The Garden of Abdul Gasazi Houghton Mifflin Grade 3 D. Crisler 2012/2013 HM Strategy Focus/Obj.: Monitor/Clarify Comprehension Focus/Obj: Story Structure
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Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Fiction Nonfiction How would you describe Abdul Gazasi’s personality? Use details from the story to make your point.
Chris Van Allsburg What can you infer about author Chris Van Allsburg? Compare pictures from The Garden of Abdul Gasazi and another book written by this author? Think about he story The Garden of Abdul Gasazi. Use information from the nonfiction text, Enter The World of Chris Van Allsburg. From your reading of the interview, what are some qualities that you think might describe Chris Van Allsburg?
Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Fiction Nonfiction What kind of character traits do you think describe Chris Van Allsburg? Support your answer with evidence from the text(s).
Additional Extensions You may want to choose one of the extension activities on the following slides to focus on additional skills or to help students make connections.
And Then… In a good plot, every event is necessary to the story. Work with a partner to make a sequence of events chart. Include each important event from the story in your chart. Draw an arrow from one event to the one that follows it. When you are finished, discuss the events. Are they all necessary?
My Favorite Dog Story Creative Story Fritz is a dog with a strong personality. He bites. He chews things. He runs off. Do you have a favorite story about a dog? If not, how about a story about another animal, like a cat, a hamster, or even a wild animal? Write the story. Be sure to include the elements of story structure. Characters Setting Plot, including problem
A Story About Fritz Creative Story Work with a group to make up a story about Fritz. Each storyteller must use a key vocabulary word from The Garden of Abdul Gasazi. Make a list of the key vocabulary or use the words posted in the room. One student in each group starts the story. He or she makes up two or three sentences. The next student then makes up the next few sentences. Each student adds to the story. Each student muse use one of the vocabulary words. Don’t use any of the words more than once. The student who uses the last vocabulary word must finish the story.
Character Web Make a character web. Pick a character to describe using your web. Put that name at the center. Then read The Garden of Abdul Gasazi again. Find words that describe the character. Write them on your web. Make inferences and draw conclusions about the character. Write down these additional words to complete your character web.