Your Best Garden Yet
Soil Type Soil is made up of clay, sand and silt. Loam, the best soil for gardening has all three parts equally. If your soil is mostly clay, water will not drain properly. This can cause waterlogging of your plant roots. Sandy soil will allow water to drain too quickly. You can improve sandy and clay soils by adding humus. The left overs of rotting plants and animals, better known as compost or organic material. Best time to amend soil is in the fall once all your garden has been harvested.
Cover Crops Good way to add nutrients to the soil. Planted in the fall and worked into soil in the spring while the plants are still green. An easy green cover crop to grow are peas and beans, just make sure you harvest all pods from the plants before you work them into the soil. Another popular choice is rye grass, which planted a few weeks before the winter frosts, will be easy to work into the soil in the spring.
Mulches as Weed Deterrents Any material laid on the surface of the soil. Grass clippings and leaves are the most common, although old carpet and plastics can also be used. Not only deter weeds, also keep moisture in soil as well as keep soil cool in the hot weather of summer, and warmer in the fall. A mulch applied in the spring will slow down the soil warming up.
Cold Frames Cold frame is basically a glass or plastic box structure to place over the plants, allowing extra heat. Used commonly to help harden off plants that were started inside. Usually too small to help all plants in your garden.
Raised Beds Soil raised above normal garden levels warms up faster in the spring and drains quickly. 8-10 inches above the ground is all you need. Allows you to bring in better soil if your soil is not growing plants well. Easily accessible. Can be raised high enough to allow less bending.
Seed Starting Seeds can be started indoors in a variety of different containers. If you do not have proper trays, egg cartons work well, you can also make your own out of newspaper. If you are reusing household containers as seed starting trays, make sure you clean them well to prevent damping off. If your seedlings die young and bend over quickly, this is probably to blame. Too much water at this stage will kill your seedlings. Soil should be damp but not wet. If you do not want to start seeds indoors but wish to speed up the process in the garden, put seeds into plastic bags inside of wet paper towel and place in a sunny area of the house. This will allow the seeds to sprout and then they can be planted into the garden.
Then What? When transplanting seedlings, always hold the leafs, never grab from the roots. Begin hardening off the seedlings. About a week before planting in the garden, leave plants outside in a cold frame or protected spot for two hours the first day, and longer each day after. Do not plant during the heat of the day, late afternoon on a cloudy day is best. The day before, ensure you water your garden.
Crop Rotation If you always plant your potatoes in the same spot, for instance, the chance of disease and pests finding them greatly increases. If you plant peas and beans the first year in one spot, the next year that spot should be used for plants that require a lot of nitrogen, ex. Corn, carrots, beets. The third year in that spot tomatoes and onions would do well, then you can cycle back to peas and beans. Mapping out your garden will help you keep track.
Container Gardens Make sure they are deep enough for the roots, most do well with 8 inches of soil. Make sure they will be able to drain. Keep in mind the weight if you have to move them. They will need water a lot more often.
Growing Herbs Plants need 6-8 hours of direct sun each day. Need good drainage, soil should not be wet, but damp. Rotate plants once a week for even exposure.
Pest Deterrent Variety of safe, chemical free ways to be rid of bugs and small animals in your garden. Hot pepper spray works well for small pests such as dogs, skunks, etc. Soap spray works well for a variety of insects.